Fan Art - Trio

A photo of three pieces on art on a yellow wall. A portrait of Melanie on the left, Noah in the middle, and Raj on the right. All three are surrounded by colorful flowers.
A portrait of Melanie, shown from her profile, with a pink flower tucked into her braid. There are blue, red, yellow, crimson, and blue flowers around her. She is looking straight ahead, with a slight smile.
A portrait of Noah, facing forward, smiling until his eyes are closed. He's surrounded by dark blue, sea blue, red, and yellow flowers.
A portrait of Raj, shown in three-quarter view. He is also surrounded by the flowers, wearing a white shirt, with his curls hanging down over one eye.

Hello, my everlastingly sweet and wonderful readers!🍃

Did you know you’re all the best ever!! Reading your comments on my post about being out of town truly filled my heart with so much love!💕 I would be shouting it from the rooftops, if I wasn’t crashing with one of my UK people and concerned about waking up their baby! But I’m spiritually shouting about it, believe me.

I’ve been stealing little moments on the trip to work on an episode, but in the meantime I wanted to share some gorgeous fan art with you!

This beautiful trio of our Ketterbridge trio had me beaming!💕 They were created by the talented and thoughtful and powerful Pallete, who packed these with so much joy and love, I’m thoroughly blown away! Pure sunshine, this! There are so many wonderful little things about each of these, and special meanings behind the flowers, too - can you catch ‘em?🌻

You can head over to the Fan Art Gallery to scope this gorgeous art in more detail, which I would definitely recommend, there’s so much to see! I’ll link Pallete’s Instagram below, so you can see more of their beautiful work!✨ And you can always leave some love for the artist in the comments, if you want to! Personally I’d like to comment and say that these are unbelievably dope, thank you so much again, Pallete!

Thank you to all of you for the love and support!💕 I hope y’all know it would be literally impossible to exaggerate how grateful I am for all of you!

Have a beautiful rest of your night!🌙 Or morning? Time zones, man!




Magical Spice - Part Eighteen


Announcement - Out of Town!