Announcement - Out of Town!

Hello, my beautiful loves!🌱

Well, as you know I’ve had a lot of stuff going on in my personal life lately, so I’ve decided it’s time I get out to do a lil’ roaming, and visit some people I’ve been wanting to see!

I’ll be out of town for the week, which means the next episode will probably be sometime right around when I get back, most likely Tuesday! I know the schedule has already been a bit all over the place, especially given I’ve been needing more time for the longer episodes - I can’t say how much I appreciate all y’all being so incredibly patient and supportive about that.💕 You’re the best readers anyone could ever hope for, I’ll fight anyone who says anything else! And I’m really hoping to get back on a more regular posting schedule when I get home!🌿✨

Please do check back while I’m away, though! I’ll try to post some fan art if I get time, and hey, maybe I’ll find a nice corner somewhere to post up and write an episode! And to any of my readers in the UK - we might see each other around! I’ll be the one probably falling asleep on my backpack while on the train after my flight, so make sure to wake me up! Or I’ll miss my stop, and then that’s on you.*

Okay, I’m gonna get back to packing and giving my critters a week’s worth of snuggles! I adore and love all of you to bits, thank you again for being so patient with me!💕 I’ll be back with more as soon as I can be!



*Just kidding, I’m obviously full of love at the thought we might unknowingly brush shoulders!🍃


Fan Art - Trio


Special Episode - Muse