Fan Art - Stories

Aiden's Story I_by Eris.png
Jamie's Story I_ by Eris.png
Aiden's Story II_ by Eris.png

Hello, my sweet readers!💓

I decided that I wanted to take two days to write the next episode. I always prefer to take my time with mature content episodes! So, while there is no episode today, there will be an episode tomorrow - and in the meantime, I wanted to share some more beautiful fan art with you all.😊

I’m just in love with these Companion Plant stories! The captions are spot on, I fully burst out laughing reading them, and I can’t decide if I love Jamie’s grouchy camping face or his zen coffee face more.☕ You artists never fail to blow me away with how perfectly you capture the spirit of each member of the Ketterbridge crew. And I will never stop loving and appreciating how many details you work in, either. Look at that Mugshot cup, all the freckles, the backgrounds, the little leaves tangled in Jamie’s hair! I seriously can’t stop smiling.

These beautiful works of art come from Eris Azalea. You can leave some love for this very talented person in the comments, if these made you anywhere near as happy as they made me! Thank you so much, Eris, I just - I can’t deal with how phenomenal these are!💕

Thank you all for being patient while I work on tomorrow’s episode, I hope it’ll be worth the wait! Have a sweet and relaxing night, my loves!🌙




Super Special Ep: Real


Q + A