Fan Art - Linden & Sugar Maple

Nox Que Fan Art of Jamie and Aiden.png

Hello, my wonderful readers!💓

Since y’all keep flooring me with your gorgeous fan art, I have another one to share with you! This lovely rendition of the Companion Plant boys comes from Nox Que, and I genuinely cannot stop staring at it. I don’t know which part is the most amazing: how incredibly expressive it is, how much the love shines through, all the little details - the lights, Aiden’s hat, Aiden’s Bicep Boy arms, Jamie’s ring, all the freckles… I honestly can’t pick my favorite thing about it! You talented artists are all so gifted, and I feel so unbelievably lucky that you give your talent to the Ketterbridge crew. Nox, it’s absolutely stunning, and it makes my heart so happy every time I look at it!💕

If you want to leave some love for the artist, you can do so in the comments on the Tapas post. You can also see more work by Nox on her Instagram. Check the button below!

One quick scheduling note: I have a thing to take care of tomorrow that I unfortunately can’t move to the weekend, so there will be no episode. I’m sorry about that! But we will be back to the regular schedule on Tuesday.😊

I also want to take a second to thank you all for the love you leave me in your comments and messages - they lift my heart so much more than you know. I’m so grateful for all of you, I can’t even begin to tell you!🥰

Thank you all so much again for your beautiful support, and of course, your beautiful artwork! I hope you have a sweet rest of your Sunday!




Q + A


Fan Art - I Call You Love