Fan Art - I Call You Love

Fan art by ashesxmori - Jamie and Aiden.jpg

Hi, my sweet readers!

I’m so excited to share yet another unbelievably lovely piece of fan art with you all! Can I just say that I can feel the love coming through when I look at the artwork you amazing people create? I swear, it’s contagious, and it melts my heart. Just look at these two! The love, the lights, their expressions, the poem!✨💕 Everything about it, really!

This gorgeous rendition of the Companion Plant boys comes from ashesxmori, who I am very much in awe of. Be sure to check out their Instagram, and as always, you can leave some love for this talented artist in the comments! Ashesxmori, I’m obsessed with your style and frankly staggered by how much pure love you managed to fit into one piece of art.💓

Thank you all for your incredible support, in all of its forms - and thank you ashesxmori, for capturing the Companion Plant spirit so beautifully.🌱

I hope you all have a sweet rest of your Sunday!


PS - I’m real behind on my emails, so if you’ve sent me fan art or an email and I haven’t responded yet, it’s purely because I’m a mess! I’ll get back to you just as soon as I can, and please know that I love hearing from you all more than anything.💌 I’m also hoping to catch up on sharing the amazing artwork you’ve all been sending in, too, so - coming soon: art by Nox Que, Amber, Eris, and many more! -R


Fan Art - Linden & Sugar Maple


Glow - Part Fifteen