The Soft Touch Family Playlist of 2023 Is Here!

Hello, my beautiful readers!🍃✨ Happy holidays, and happy new year!☃️🎆

Whew, I’m sorry it’s been a minute since I’ve been able to post an update! I took some family time for the holidays and then did a quick trip out of town to make it to a friend’s birthday, but I’m getting settled back in now! I missed you all so much, and I’m so excited to get writing again! I’m also extremely hype because…

It’s here! Our holiday gift to each other, the Soft Touch Family Playlist of 2023!💕 I had so much fun putting this together, and I loved reading the comments you left with them! I’m stoked to say we have so. Many. Songs. So much rad new music to explore! I hope you find some new repeat listens on this playlist - I’m one hundred percent sure that I will. I definitely did last time!🎧

I saw the question about whether the playlist would be available somewhere outside of Spotify - good question! Unfortunately I don’t have YouTube Music or Apple Music, so I don’t think I can make playlists using them, I’m sorry! But I will include a link to the full tracklist with all included song titles and artists below, so you can check out the songs on the playlist without using Spotify! And if anyone knows of a good free platform where I could add the playlist and more people could listen, please do let me know in the comments!

I kicked off the playlist with my top song, which is going on a future Soft Touch playlist I’m working on, but I figured it’s more of a teaser than a spoiler to include it.🍃 Other than that, the playlist is in random order, so go ahead, dive on in and find some new favorite jams to take you into the new year!🤘

As we head off into 2024 together I’m thinking about the things I’m grateful for, and if you’re reading this you’re one of those things, you! I hope you had a snuggly holiday, a beautiful new year, and I hope you can feel the love and gratitude coming your way from me.💕 You should be able to, I’m beaming it into the sky like the fucking Bat Signal. It’s powerful.

Have a relaxing, restful night, my loves! I adore you all, and I can't think of better people to head into 2024 with.🌙✨



P.S. - I’m pretty sure I got one song from everyone’s submissions, but if you don’t see the song you submitted on there, please let me know in the comments so I can fix that!


Golden Autumn - Part Ten


Golden Autumn - Part Nine