Special Episode: Good Feelings (Part IV)

This episode is part of a larger story, Soft Touch. If you haven’t yet, you can go back and read it from the beginning right here. This episode is NSFW and contains mature content.

Melanie stirs drowsily in bed. Still lost in her dreams, but something woke her up a little bit. The whisper of two deep voices, somewhere nearby. As if two people are standing beside the bed, looking at her as they talk.

She’s still too much asleep to understand any of the words, but her ears take note of them anyways.

“-sure about this, bro?” one of the familiar, hushed voices is whispering uncertainly. “Like - a hundred percent sure?”

Yes, brah,” whispers back the other. “You honestly think I’d suggest something like this if I wasn’t totally sure she’d be cool with it? Come on, man. You know me better than that. I’m your husband, have more faith in me.”

“I got nothing but faith in you, and I mean that, and you know that. I’m just saying, like - she’s asleep, so we better be real damn sure.”

“I’m telling you, this is literally a fantasy of hers. She told me once that she had a sexy dream of exactly what I’m describing right now, and her exact words were: that would be so amazing.”

“What-? Why didn’t she tell me about that, yo? How do I make it clear that I want the lowdown on her sexy dreams, too?”

“This would be a good way,” comes that sweet, warm, whispering voice, laughing a little. “This is the perfect time to do it, too. Nik is still with the sitter, place all to ourselves. And neither of us exactly gave M the wedding night experience.”

“Probably ‘cause we all slept outside, on the beach, with a whole bunch of other people?”

“Right, and now we’re home, we’ve all taken a shower and a nice long nap, so… it’s like our second wedding night. We should make it something special for her, shouldn’t we?”

Melanie very lightly stretches out her legs beneath the blankets. She flexes her toes, wondering if she’s still dreaming, absorbing less than half of the words being spoken. They’re playing in her ears like the distant, fuzzy noise of a far-off TV, an effect doubled by the soft white noise of falling rain outside.

Mel is instinctively smiling to herself, though. Just from the intimately familiar sound of the two voices speaking the words she doesn’t understand. Every texture and intonation unique to them stirs powerful waves of answering love in her heart.

“And you really don’t think it would be weird?” the first voice whispers hesitantly. “Like - for you and me? Deux mecs?”

“We’ll be keeping our attention on her, anyways, right? Let’s just, um… not get in each other’s way.”

“Nah, I don’t think we will,” laughs the first voice, keeping it to a whisper. “We make a pretty good team, generally speaking. And, shit, I guess we do pretty much everything else together… so… guess… alright, fine. But don’t you touch me during this, alright?”

“No, man, obviously I won’t. I’m not tryna do that.” There’s a sudden, startled pause. “Wait - what? Really, Nohea? You’re up for this?”

“I… yeah, okay.”

“Oh.” The second voice sounds considerably taken aback. “Are you being serious? Because I can’t tell, and I - I was kinda joking…”

“You - wh-? Dude!” The first voice sounds absolutely agonized. “Are you fucking serious? I thought - holy shit, why would you mess around about something like that? You know my dumb ass doesn’t like the type of joke where you have to figure out it was secretly a joke the whole time - tu sais que je n'aime pas ça! I never get them, and that shit makes me feel like I’m standing on a trap door! Do that again and they won’t be able to identify you, understand? I’ve put someone down on the ground with a full-force right-and-left to the face for less than this. Don’t tell Mel about that - point is, you’re lucky that you’re my husband, and that I love you!”

“First of all, I love you too. Second of all, violence is never the answer, brother-”

“Negative. Violence is often the answer.”

“Okay, well definitely not in this case, because I - I just mean that I didn’t actually think you’d be down! I guess I was kinda serious… and if you’re serious, too, then - really? Should we? You’re up for that?”

The indignation in the other voice gives way to startled uncertainty. “I… hang on, are you joking again?”

“No, and I wasn’t before, you just got me all nervous and shy and shit. That is - unless you’re joking? I’m joking if you are. But if you’re not, then no. Unless you are, in which case I was just - just playin’-”

“You’re confusing the hell out of me right now, Raj. Are you joking or not?”

“I-” The voice, already keeping quiet, drops to a nervous, barely-audible whisper. “No. I’m not joking.”

There’s a long pause.

“Then… I mean… Fuck it, man, let’s go. I’ll try anything once. Especially if she’ll like it.”

“Really? Oh, man. Okay.” The second voice lets out a soft, surprised laugh, then murmurs, “I have a feeling she will.”

“Then why didn’t you just say that, dude? That would’ve been good enough for me, coming from you. I’m surprised you were even nervous to ask me. I’ve never seen you wrong about any of those, um - believin’s that you get. You didn’t have one about this?”

“I had no idea how you’d feel about this, dude. There are some things you can’t predict. Honestly, I kinda can’t believe you said yes.”

“Yeah, this is… against all tradition for me, but… with you two…” Another brief silence, and then - “C’mon. Before she wakes up.”

“Okay,” whispers the other voice, with growing eagerness.

Half-submerged in her dreams, Melanie grows vaguely aware of some movement around her, the bed shifting as someone climbs onto it. The blankets are drawn away from her, leaving her exposed. Two large, strong hands take her by her waist and gently turn her over onto her back.

She lets it happen, still not awake enough to really know what’s going on beyond the dim sense that those hands feel nice on her. Familiar in a way that clicks with a deep sense of cozy safety in her heart. She sighs peacefully.

A kiss is pressed softly onto her temple. Accompanied by some very soft spoken words, laced through at every turn with intimacy, flowing with a warm pidgin lilt.

“We got a surprise for you, Haidée.”

In her dream, someone gently lifts her up just enough to slip her little silk camisole up over her head, taking it off, careful not to wake her up. Goosebumps blossom all over her body at the kiss of cool, rain-scented air against her skin. Someone else brushes a light kiss onto the center of her bare stomach. Her dream self smiles, arching up to meet those familiar lips.

Or - is she dreaming? She’s not sure anymore.

She’s eased backwards until she’s laying back in the cozy embrace of two strong, powerful arms. Whoever has her is sitting up in the bed. She’s half in his lap, her head against his chest and her shoulder blades against the firm warmth of his stomach. He’s naked, and his body heat is perfect against the cool air. Better than any blanket.

She snuggles back deeper into his arms, drawing a soft laugh from him.

Câlin, hm?” murmurs his deep voice, his fingertips playfully tugging a lock of her hair. “So cute.”

He slips his arms beneath hers, hooks her around both elbows, and eases her arms all the way back up over her head. Melanie makes a face in her half-sleep, her nose crinkling up. She begins struggling a little to get free and snuggle back up beneath the covers - where did the covers go, actually? - but whoever has her arms pinned back won’t let her move. She’s pulling pointlessly against his firm hold on her.

She goes very still as the man whose arms she’s in leans down, bowing his head over her. She feels the brush of long, soft hair against her shoulder, and then warm lips brushing against her neck. Kissing her softly, teasingly, taking nibbling little bites. Then he slowly begins to lick at her, moving gradually towards her throat, the soft scrape of a lip piercing tickling her.

At the same time, two infinitely gentle, heavily-calloused hands stroke the inside of her thighs until they slowly melt apart in response. A teasing mouth comes down softly on the tenderest part of her inner thigh, then starts kissing its way up, and up. Those steady hands slowly spread her thighs more open as they go, massaging, coaxing.

Melanie is clinging to the half-asleep headspace now. If this is a dream, she definitely doesn’t want to wake up anytime soon.

“One more chance to back out, dude,” whispers the voice between her thighs.

“Nah,” answers the voice from behind her, growing a little breathless, speaking against her neck. “I - I’m all good. Shit, what a view I got from up here. Ain’t she a gem, even when she’s asleep? Gorgeous, all laid out like this.”

There’s a soft laugh from the other man. Mel feels it against her thigh, the rush of warm breath, the vibration of his voice.

“I know. She’s perfect.”

“Can’t stop thinking about her in that dress…”

“Perfect,” repeats the other voice, rich with love.

Melanie is slowly coming completely awake. She’s sure now that she’s not dreaming, because she can feel the cool, smooth press of one wedding band against her thigh, and another on the hand that catches her and holds her firmly in place when she drowsily starts to move. The wedding bands are not a detail that would be in her dreams, because it’s a brand new one. It was only yesterday that her boys even put them on for the first time…

Melanie’s baffled, sleep-addled thoughts suddenly shuffle themselves into order. She doesn’t open her eyes, but she smiles softly, glowing within as understanding dawns on her.

She’s in bed with both of her husbands.

And they’re - the two of them, they -

Oh my god, Mel thinks to herself, doing her very best to lay still and keep her eyes shut. What are they doing? Is this real, right now?

Before she can think any more about it, Raj takes her peach-colored panties and pulls them tight to her body. Through the thin cotton fabric, now pulled even thinner, a rush of breath as his mouth melts against her. Dizzyingly, meltingly hot, especially with the contrast of the cool, drizzly air kissing her almost-naked body everywhere else. He’s kissing her very, very softly, with painstaking patience. Neatly. Carefully.

Melanie lets out a slow, heavy breath. She doesn’t resist at all when Raj slips off her panties and presses her thighs back so he can put his mouth to all the places where he knows she’s the most sensitive. If anything she’s melting deeper into Noah’s arms, her breathing beginning to pick up.

She’s starting to squirm around a little, dizzy beneath the attention of four capable hands and two teasing mouths. She lets her head loll to the side, unconsciously drawing up one shoulder until it almost touches her cheek, panting softly. Her hair is loose, spilling in heavy, tumbling quantities down her back, and it stirs against Noah’s bare chest with her movements. He strokes his fingers through it, his other hand holding her by the throat to keep her still as his lips slowly make their way up the side of her neck.

His hands begin to roam, squeezing her and fondling her with rough, teasing little touches. But at all times, his arms are keeping her arms firmly pinned back.

A burning crimson blush glazes Melanie’s cheeks. Slow, feverish heat is building in her, starting to swell out of control. At first it was like the glowing inner warmth of a strong drink, but now it’s like her body is flooded to overflowing with some kind of pure, intoxicating liqueur. It’s sending her wild with desire, with an ache so deep and overwhelming it almost startles her.

Outer heat is building, too, Melanie’s body warmed by the way she’s being handled. It feels like hands and mouths have been all over her body, heating her up inch by inch, working her up to a sensitivity that makes every teasing touch almost unbearable.

Melanie takes two rich handfuls of Noah’s brilliant black hair, and holds on tight. She can feel his heartbeat getting faster and faster, his breathing going ragged in her ear. Just like she can feel Raj struggling to maintain his patient pace, his breaths growing more heavy and husky and hungry with every passing second.

Melanie is panting hard, her mouth open, her tongue peeking out. Her cheeks are burning, her legs parting further of their own volition. When did all these breathless, whimpering little moans start escaping her lips? She doesn’t even know. Her hands fall to the back of Noah’s shoulders, and her fingernails sink into him in her ecstasy. A soft, low growl of pleasure from deep in his throat vibrates through her as his tongue laps softly at her neck.

Raj is holding to his leisurely pace, giving her a long, drawn-out kind of pleasure. Slow and steady. Like he could do this all day. Like he’s not aware of Melanie trembling imploringly, practically ready to wail with desperation. Like he’s not gripping her thighs so tightly to force himself to stay still, panting with pleasure.

It’s obvious that he can barely control himself, but he insistently keeps to that achingly slow, gentle rhythm. Every caressing nuzzle, every sucking, nibbling little kiss, every tantalizing drag of his tongue makes Melanie frantic to move, to respond, to make him hurry up. But Noah has her pinned in place, and she’s helpless to do anything against that much muscle. All she can do is breathe in the smell of Noah’s skin, his hair. A powerful aphrodisiac for her, one that makes her melting body even more pliant, and she has no choice but to take it in with every breath.

Her hips are starting to give little leaps at every intimate touch of Raj’s tongue, movements suppressed by his hands around her thighs, pinning her down.

Noah’s fingers have been circling her breasts. Without warning, he catches at the rosy little points of them. Carelessly, roughly, eagerly playing with them, like they’re his toys, taking no mercy on her tender body. Melanie gasps sharply, struggling to breathe, feeling drunk. Something about the perfect, exquisite torture of what Noah’s doing and the infinitely slow, gentle treatment she’s getting from Raj, both of those overwhelmingly good sensations at the same time…

It happens so suddenly and explosively that it takes her completely by surprise. One second her body is rigid with electric tension like she’s never felt before, and the next she’s flung her head back, crying out, unconsciously grinding herself against Raj’s mouth, writhing against Noah’s grasp. Her whole body shudders, forced into shivering waves of spasms, hit with a shockwave of ecstasy so acute that it’s almost unbearable. Hoarse little whimpers and cries trail from her lips right up until she sinks back into Noah’s arms, reeling, dissolved. Burning passion races up and down the length of her bare body like jetting flames.

Coming back from the delirium takes a long moment. Mel feels as if she’s slowly being pulled up through some golden, glittering haze, drawn back to planet Earth by two gentle pairs of hands holding her, the light pattering of the rain in her ears.

Her dazed, dilated eyes slowly blink open to meet a smiling pair of grey ones, glinting chromium silver in the rainy light. Two adorable dimples, a sweep of flowing dark hair, the glitter of a lot of piercings.

“Holy shit,” he blurts out eagerly, staring at her with pupils almost completely overtaking the silver.

Still panting, Melanie slowly lifts her head to find Raj up on his knees between her thighs, smiling as he drags the back of his hand over his mouth. His dark eyes are burning with desire, a fiery blush glowing across his cheeks.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he purrs, and sinks down, buries himself between her parted thighs.

He lets out a deep, stuttering groan of pleasure. A gasping cry escapes Melanie at the same time, but it’s muffled by Noah as he leans down to kiss her. He sinks his tongue deep into her mouth, panting against her lips.

Melanie’s body struggles against everything for a second, protesting that she’s still too sensitive for this. But then it strikes her, with the first real moment of completely wakeful clarity she’s had - exactly what’s going on, right now. The mere thought…

Something gives way within her to drop her into a new, infinitely deeper realm of pleasure. A flood of molten ecstasy through every inch of her, saturating her very core, lighting up her every nerve. Overtaking all remaining traces of resistance. Every palpitation of her heartbeat seems to throb in slow, white-hot waves through her whole body. She melts into Noah’s arms, arching her back for Raj, a broken moan rising up from her lips into Noah’s mouth. She kisses him back desperately, hungrily.

Raj hasn’t moved yet. He was waiting for a reaction from her, and he must have the one he wanted, because suddenly he can’t keep himself still anymore. He falls into a slow, deep, undulating rhythm, rocking Melanie back against Noah. Her head falls back against Noah’s chest, her body on fire, her eyes rolling back behind her closed eyelids.

When she opens them again, she finds herself gazing right up at Noah. Their gazes lock together. Noah’s breath hitches when he looks into her eyes, glossy with ecstasy. He’s forcing himself to stay where he is, but he looks almost frantic, his chest rising and falling hard, his hands wandering all over her, teasing everything they can reach while still keeping her arms held back.

Melanie tangles her fingers in his hair again, breathing with difficulty. Her trembling thighs tighten around Raj, who begins to expel inarticulate bursts of his voice with every jagged breath he lets out, the sound mingling with Melanie’s rising cries.

Noah suddenly makes a strained, tormented sound. He puts his mouth back to Melanie’s neck, ravenously biting and licking at her, sending a new tidal wave through the ocean of pleasure she’s already lost in. Her entire body shudders, and Raj groans again, moving faster. Gripping her hips more tightly, using his grasp on them to angle her just the way he wants her.

Melanie gasps sharply as Raj suddenly wrenches her to him, sinking all the way down between her thighs. A long, husky, uncontrollable groan tears itself from his throat. He works her hips slowly up and down once, then twice, then lets out a shuddering spill of breath. His eyes flutter closed and his head tilts back, an open-mouthed smile parting his lips. Melanie watches him from Noah’s arms, her love-drunk eyes drinking in every detail.

Raj slowly opens his beautiful espresso eyes. They’re glassy with ecstasy, enraptured as they rove over Melanie. They meet hers and gaze deep into them, smoldering and heavy-lidded with love.

“Give her here, man,” Noah pants, his deep voice urgent with desperation. He finally lets go of her arms, which fall limply into the sheets. “Jesus Christ, I’m bursting.”

Raj’s hands encircle Melanie’s waist. She’s lifted upright, then all but handed backwards to Noah. She would protest being manhandled like this, if she wasn’t suffering from the same all-consuming desperation she heard in Noah’s voice. He grasps her thighs and draws her back until she’s balanced on her knees over his lap.

Tu le veux?” his husky, hungry voice whispers in her ear.

A pleading moan instinctively breaks from Melanie’s mouth. Noah eagerly kisses her neck, adjusting her positioning with firm, commanding hands.

A familiar, secret piercing brushes Melanie. A cool little touch of metal against her burning body. She shivers, then wails softly as Noah slowly begins to sink her back and down. Noah lets out a sharp, punched-out groan that could be anguish or ecstasy, or both.

Mmmm… c'est ça, bébé, bonne fille…” he moans breathlessly in her ear. It sounds like he wanted to say something else, but all that comes out is an incoherent stutter of his voice from deep in his throat.

Melanie is incapable of moving herself right now, but it turns out she doesn’t have to. Noah seizes her hips and begins to pull her back and forth, forcing himself not to rush, but moving with such rough, hungry, animal ferocity that brilliant lights explode behind Melanie’s eyes. He starts moaning behind her, the rush of his voice spilling into her ears. She has no idea what sounds are escaping her lips, only that it’s a lot. Her entire body is streaming with mounting electricity, with feverish passion.

Raj is facing her, watching her with dilated eyes. He looked too wrecked with lingering pleasure to do anything, but suddenly he lunges forward, eagerly taking full advantage of the bare front of Melanie’s body. Now it’s his mouth skimming up her throat, his fingers slipping down and down, his other hand twisting through her hair to pull her head back and drag her into a deep, deep kiss - and now Melanie is free to cup his face in her hands and kiss him back - and Noah is letting out a stream of half-moaned, panted curses behind her, his fingertips digging into her hips…

The three of them are moving almost as one, interlocked, like waves heaving and drawing apart and melting back together. Climbing, soaring, reaching a fever pitch.

Melanie’s entire body draws taut, like a bow pulled all the way to its limit. Her toes curl. She has the split-second sense of waiting at the top of a very, very tall roller coaster, a moment away from the wild ride of the drop.

She flings her head back, her back snapping to an arch, her body convulsing with ecstasy so overwhelming that the prolonged cry that bursts from her lips sounds almost like a sob.

Noah drags in a shuddering gasp, then wrenches her all the way down into his lap, driving another hoarse cry of pleasure from her. Her voice mixes in the air with the rough, groaned words breaking from him. Fuck, oh f-fuck… and he drops his forehead onto the back of her neck, panting softly.

All three of them lapse into stillness, struggling to get their breaths back.

Melanie goes completely, ragdoll limp, shivering uncontrollably. If she wasn’t pinned between Noah and Raj she’d probably have tumbled over. She rests her cheek against the velvet soft skin of Raj’s torso and listens to his fluttering pulse, overwhelmed.

As one, Raj, Mel, and Noah collapse into the bedding, then lay there in a delirious heap. Lost in astonished, speechless silence.

“Oh my god,” Raj finally stammers, drawing a soft, dazed laugh of agreement from Noah.

Melanie is still trying to recover her grasp on her thoughts, or any semblance of control over her body. After what feels like a long time, she slowly opens her hazy eyes -

Just in time to catch Raj and Noah reaching over her to exchange a fist bump with each other.

They immediately stop when they realize she’s watching. They hastily drop their hands, matching busted expressions stealing into their eyes.

“Wh-?” Melanie sits up on her elbow, an incredulous, stammering laugh escaping her. “Are you two serious?”

Raj and Noah break into twin grins as she dissolves into dizzy, reeling laughter.

It takes her a second to recover. When she does, she lays there shyly, in disbelief, glancing back and forth between the two smiling faces watching her.

“Hello,” she giggles, not sure what else to say.

Noah sits up on his elbow to catch Raj’s eye, those adorable dimples marking the corners of his smirky grin. “That’s our wife, dude.”

Raj lifts his head, grinning just as widely. “And our baby mama.”

Noah drops his gaze to Mel. “Where did we land on the fist bump thing? Are we allowed to do it? Because we’re going to.”

“I guess so, then,” Melanie giggles, then laughs helplessly when they immediately do one over her shoulder.

She reaches for both of them at once, and they both come to her at once, snuggling up to her from both sides.

The three of them spend some time all cuddled up. The bedroom is dimly lit with the golden glow of the lamps. Silver moonlight spills through the windows to add its glow to the mix, spilling across the bed, casting everything in a hazy, intimate veil. Noah is slowly scratching Mel’s lower back, Raj trailing his fingers over her hip. Melanie strokes her fingertips through Raj’s curls, then wraps them around a long strand of Noah’s raven hair. She closes her eyes, lost in perfect contentment. The rain patters softly on the windows.

She almost wants to grab Noah to stop him when he sits up and reaches for the bedside table. Raj sits up to see what he’s doing as he opens the little velvet box sitting there, then catches Melanie’s hand in his tattooed fingers. He slips her engagement ring and wedding band into place, and sits back next to Raj.

Melanie blushes as Noah and Raj sit there beaming at her, like now this is the perfect picture. Then Noah blushes, because Raj just kissed his inky shoulder, then rested his temple against it, his dark brown eyes still lingering on Mel.

“Said you wouldn’t touch me, man,” Noah protests softly.

Raj immediately lifts his head, startled. “Oh - even now that it’s over?”

Noah twists his mouth to the side and fidgets with his lip piercing, looking at Raj with measuring eyes. “Guess… yeah, no, it’s fine now. Wish I had my clothes back on first, but whatever.”

Raj smiles in relief as he lowers his head onto Noah’s shoulder again. “Cool. Had a feeling.”

Noah lets out an adoring laugh, staring at Raj with love in his silver eyes. “Of fucking course you did.”

He catches Mel’s gaze and widens his eyes, and she tries not to laugh. She finally sits up, very unsteadily, supporting herself on her hand. Every movement draws out a subtle aftershock that makes her tremble all over again. Still. Even now.

“I can’t believe…” she begins, then trails off as words fail her.

Her thoughts are impossibly scrambled. Shattered to pieces, really. It’s like her brain packed up and left, sensing her body needed all of her focus. Now it seems to think her eyes need all of her focus, because Noah and Raj make an incredible sight sitting together like that before her on the ravaged bed. Shimmering with sweat, hair tousled, supple bodies bare of their clothes. Only wearing their wedding bands, nothing else. Close enough together that their soft black hair melts together a tiny bit.

Melanie’s heart stops. If someone told her to close her eyes and imagine the most tempting sight possible, it would look very much like what’s actually right before her eyes right now.

She presses her fingers to her lips, which are swollen and puffy from all the kisses. Her consciousness turns into some sort of brilliant phosphorescent swirl of pure love, staring at her husbands. No thoughts. Only the swirl.

“Is she okay?” Noah murmurs, when Melanie stares at them for a minute or so without speaking a word.

Raj’s angular eyebrows begin to furrow with concern. “Yeah, pretty sure she’s… M? You alri-?”

“You two are ridiculous!” she laughs giddily, then flings herself at them, overwhelmed. The move forces a startled laugh out of both of them, but together they catch her. “Oh my god! I can’t leave you two alone for a minute, or you start scheming!”

“Don’t look at me,” Noah laughs, obviously relieved to see her beaming up at him. “Raj came to me with this one.”

Yes, of course he did. Because Melanie told Raj she had that dream, and he correctly sensed that she was only sort of joking when she said she thought it would be amazing. But she decided not to say anything serious about it. She was worried that the idea would make Noah or Raj or both uncomfortable, and after everything has been so good between the three of them. They were existing in such a warm, harmonious equilibrium that Melanie was too afraid to do anything that might tip it.

Raj knew that she was too nervous to earnestly suggest it even to him. So he went off and suggested it to Noah himself. He must have been so nervous, doing that with no clue how Noah might respond… but he braved it for her. Because he wanted the three of them to have a perfect wedding night.

Melanie meets Raj’s eyes, her heart overcome. He smiles intimately at her, reaches out to softly tuck a floating wisp of hair out of her face.

“Should I make us some breakfast?” he offers brightly. “I know it’s nine at night, but since we just woke up-”

Melanie flings herself into Raj’s arms. She kisses him deeply and slowly, savoring the taste of him, telling him in a thousand different, silent ways just how much she loves him.

He’s beaming dreamily by the time she draws back, just beaming and beaming.

Melanie turns her head to find Noah watching them with his elbows on his knees. Hiding his smile behind his arm, but it reveals itself in his eyes. Melanie leans in to kiss him, too, then lets out a startled laugh when he eagerly lunges forward, like he’s going to flatten her to the bed again. Raj laughs, too, rolling out of the way just in time, nearly toppling off of the bed in his rush.

“You dummy, you know I can’t take anymore!” Mel laughs, pressing her palm to Noah’s face to push him back. “Noah Raunier, y-”

“You stop that right now!” he says in perfect tandem with her, attempting a high-pitched mimic of her voice.

Melanie swats his arm, but lets out a burst of giggles when he starts laughing adoringly, his smiling silver eyes gazing deep into hers.

“I’m serious, Noah! I need to get in the shower! I’ve never been this much of a mess, oh my god-”

“You are a mess, aren’t you?” he purrs, nuzzling his nose into hers.

“She is,” comes Raj’s warm voice, around a soft, teasing laugh.

Melanie stops still. Her cheeks begin to burn again, her fluttering heart missing a beat. She lets out a sputtering laugh, shaking her head insistently.

“I’m serious, no more, I can’t handle it! You two already did it, alright? You gave me my perfect wedding night!”

Raj and Noah exchange a considering glance with each other. Noah makes a face as if to say he’s satisfied with that, and Raj gives him a nod of agreement.

Noah kisses Mel’s nose, then gently scoops her up out of the bed. Her thighs automatically wrap around his waist as he straightens up, her arms slipping around him. She rests her cheek on his shoulder, just as full of love for him as she is for Raj. And he senses it, based on the tender way he runs his hand through her hair, his other arm gripping her firmly by the waist.

Melanie lets out a blissful sigh. Soon Niki will be home, too. Her sweet baby, with Raj’s dark curls and kind eyes, Noah’s wild laugh, and her own, blossoming little personality.

In three, unique ways, Melanie never knew it was possible to love someone so much.

Raj stretches out cozily on the bed and rests his head on his arms, watching Mel as she’s gently carried off towards the shower in Noah’s arms.

Knew I should trust you.

Melanie only mouths the words at him, doesn’t speak them loud.

But going off of his radiant smile, Raj - as he always does - understands perfectly.

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Magical Spice - Part Six


Special Episode: Good Feelings (Part III)