Special Episode: Good Feelings (Part II)

This episode is part of a larger story, Soft Touch. If you haven’t yet, you can go back and read it from the beginning right here. The episode below has some mature content, so please read at your own discretion!

Melanie can’t believe how good she feels, right now.

She and Raj both fired wildly at the player who was sneaking towards them through the undergrowth, so it’s not clear who hit him. But it didn’t matter, because they got him. He emerged with a lot of paint on his chest and a cranky scowl on his face.

Somehow it had turned into a reluctant, grumpy kind of smile by the time he left to head back for beach, though. Raj’s good-natured warmth is insanely disarming and seriously contagious, Melanie is discovering. His sweet smile is just too warm to meet with a frown.

She’s full of adrenaline and excitement, her nerves peaked now that she’s officially a part of the game. At the same time, what Raj said made her relax, at least as much as she can in this situation, around a guy this cute.

There’s no pressure. Nothing planned beyond tonight. He explicitly told her not to care what he thinks of her, to just be herself. She’s curious about where an experience like that will take her.

Already it’s led her to some surprising revelations. She thought this was going to be hard for her, and that she would be too shy to actually just be herself and say whatever she’s thinking around Raj. He’s easily one of the most handsome young men she’s ever met, and beyond that - something about him, his smile - her heart gets all weird and sparkly and stumbly. This is the type of feeling that usually accompanied her doodling a boy’s name onto her notebook when she had her very first crushes. She should be too crushingly intimated to manage being herself at all.

So why is it so easy, with Raj?

Maybe because Melanie is riding a rush of excitement that won’t let her slow down and think about things. She’s humming inside, rocking on her heels, circling around Raj with boundless energy. He watches her with an amused eyebrow arched, then tries to adopt a stern expression.

“This isn’t slick, solider!” he scolds her, in an exaggerated drill-sergeant voice. “Do you want to get us caught?”

“Maybe?” she giggles, slowing down to catch her breath. “We’ve done pretty good every time we got caught before. It’s been fun, actually!”

“I had to tackle you to the ground one of those times,” Raj reminds her, looking surprised.

“Yeah, and - that was fun, after! It was exciting the whole time, though.”

Raj blinks hard, then lets out a startled laugh, a grin turning up his mouth. “Well, isn’t that nice to hear. I was pretty worried about scaring you.”

“If I’m scared of anything, it’s that I might get taken out in some kind of super ungraceful or undignified way right in front of you, Raj. There’s some honesty for you.”

“Are you really?” Raj lets out a heavy breath, his shoulders sinking. “Oh, that’s a relief to hear, too. I’ve been concerned about the same thing. If I go down I’d like it to be mad cool and dramatic, but I’m thinking it would actually be the type of shit you could add a bonk sound effect to. At least now I know we’re both afraid of that haunting possibility. For some reason that makes me feel better.”

Melanie giggles, then reaches for the next thought to say out loud. It’s an unfortunate one, but she says it anyways. “My bra is itching me, and it’s annoying, but I don’t want to scratch it in front of you.”

Raj lifts his hand towards Mel, then stops abruptly, his eyes widening with alarm.

“Jesus, I just nearly did something so stupid,” he sputters, blushing deeply. “I just wanted to help, but still, that was almost so bad. I - feel like I should apologize, even though I didn’t actually do it?”

Melanie bites her lip, but that proves to not be nearly enough to hold back yet another burst of giggles. Raj looks relieved, then turns away and cups his hand around his mask to shield his eyes. Mel stares at him in confusion, then realizes what he’s doing. She lets out a helpless laugh, slips her fingers beneath her bra, then lets out a sigh of relief before she tugs on Raj’s sleeve.

“All better. Much better, actually, without that distracting me.”

“Cool.” Raj straightens up, aiming his paintball gun around at the trees as they go. “Glad that’s resolved, let’s not speak about my part in it ever again. Actually, if you could forget about that-”

He stops, having looked at her again.

“What?” Melanie laughs, tucking a stray strand from her braid out of her eyes.

She’s sure she must look like a real mess by now. More and more of her hair is escaping her braid and floating free around her face. She’s already gotten muddy, gained a sheen of sweat just like Raj, and her cheeks are flushed. She’s still aware of her mismatched outfit, and she knows without looking that her eyes have that intense brightness they get when she’s having this much fun.

But she’s happy, and he told her not to worry about looking cute, so she just smiles up at Raj as he gazes down at her.

“I - nothing,” he answers slowly, then breathes out his warm laugh. “You just really like an adventure, huh?”

“I haven’t had one in a long time,” Melanie says lightly, turning to lead the way up a winding natural path through the forest ferns. “And - yes, I do. I almost forgot how much I do. Thanks for letting me come along on yours.”

“Hey, no problem. Feels like ours, already.”

Melanie pauses, blushing. She peeks at Raj over her shoulder, and he gives her one of those gentle, genuine smiles before he gets his eyes back on the forest. Pure sunshine pours into her heart at the sight of it.

“So you want adventure,” he murmurs thoughtfully, “But you also want a house and a family and all that steady stuff?”

Mel glances quickly at him, surprised that he listened so closely to what she said earlier.

“Yeah, why not?” she asks, pulling herself up a little ridge of rock blocking their way. “Who says you have to choose one or another? I want both.”

“Yeah, that’s true.” Raj seems to brighten at the thought. “Alright, word. What else do you want?”

Melanie lets out a bewildered little laugh. “Why, do you need a list for something?”

“Nah, I - nope.” Raj hastily clears his throat. “Only want to know more about you. And I’m hoping our adventure is living up to your expectations. Is it, by the way?”

Melanie pretends to think it over. “Let me see… well, for a real adventure there should be a villain. Tiny bit sad we don’t have one. Unless - is there a really good player, someone who looks likely to win?”

Raj thinks about it for a second. “Timothy, maybe?”

“Timothy!” Melanie frowns in disapproval. “That’s not a very evil-sounding name! Is he ominous, at least?”

“Tim? I mean - he seems like a pretty nice guy to me. He plays a lot of D&D. Also volunteers with a group that teaches kids how to identify local invasive plants so they can pull them up if they spot them.”

“Oh, does he?” Melanie asks gloomily. “That’s - nice.”

Raj stares at her, then lets out a sudden crack of irrepressible laughter.

“Well, shit,” he laughs, gazing up at Mel. “I’ll tell him it was mad rude of him to be such a nice guy!”

“Yeah, I think you should!” she groans. “Now there’s no villain! Unless - oh, maybe it’s you, Raj? Surprise twist villain? Maybe you’re secretly a total jerk who’s using me only to tragically betray me and steal the flag for yourself - what’d you say?”


“I thought I heard-?”

“No, I just made a noise.”

And it was such a distressed, strangled little noise that Melanie dissolves into startled giggles, turning to face a very disconsolate Raj.

“Oh, Raj, no - why are you making that face?”

“I don’t want to be the villain in your story!” He looks at her with begging eyes. “Recast me, I want a different role! Anything but that!”

He looks so truly horrified at the whole idea that Mel can’t help but giggle again, this time more softly. Suddenly she wants so much to take his face into her hands.

“Okay,” she stammers quietly, without thinking. She smiles shyly up at Raj, warmed by the instant relief in his eyes. “I will. Figure - I’ll f-figure something else out. And, hey - our adventure has been perfect so far, villain or not. It’s actually not even really about an adventure, specifically…”

Mel trails off, feeling like he won’t care about this. But he told her to say whatever she’s thinking, and - he seems to be listening closely, as he has been this whole time.

“It’s just that I can remember a time when I used to laugh a lot, and have a lot of fun,” she tells him slowly, growing more serious. “I remember it being so easy for me to relax. I don’t know when all of that got so - difficult for me? Maybe it’s the pressure of running my own business, or the fact that my romantic life has been more stress than fun recently, when it exists at all.”

Raj is listening to her with an expression of serious bewilderment darkening his brow.

“I find it so fucking weird that you’ve had that problem with your romantic life. Like - you? Seriously? You make me think of Haidée.”

Melanie blinks in surprise, blushing instantly. “What - Haidée? From Don Juan?”

Now Raj looks surprised. He had said that last part more like he was thinking out loud to himself than talking to her.

“Oh. I didn’t expect, um - you’ve read Don Juan?” Raj suddenly catches his breath, looking agonized. “Shit, so you’re smart, too? On top of everything else?”

“My mom is a professor, and literature is her specialty,” Melanie laughs, confused but pleased by what he said. “So yeah, I’ve read it…”

And she knows the character he’s talking about. Haidée, the beautiful, dreamy young woman who rescues Don Juan after he’s shipwrecked. The daughter of a pirate outlaw, courted by many, but on a search for perfect romance. She was pure passion and sensuality, born to be loved, to give love.

Raj obviously didn’t mean for Mel to know what he meant with that comparison, and now he’s blushing.

You’ve read it, Raj?” Mel asks, taken by surprise.

“No,” he says firmly. “Don’t go getting any ideas about me being smart. I was in a very bad and short-lived stage play adaptation of the fourth Canto, that’s all. No follow-up questions on that one, please. I’m still extremely embarrassed about it.”

Mel lets out a surprised laugh, then watches Raj curiously as he sets off through the trees again, leading the two of them back into movement. He’s been an actor, it sounds like. That explains why he can do different voices so well. Also explains the shameless, whole-hearted theatricality and silliness he’s willing to get into right in front of her. He almost kinda reminds her of Noah, in that way. He’s definitely the first one to make her laugh as hard as he used to.

“Find it odd you haven’t been able to have too much fun, either,” Raj adds thoughtfully. “Feels really easy, to have fun with you.”

Melanie bites her lip happily behind his back.  She can understand so much what he said about wanting to know more about her, all of a sudden. She wants to know more about him, too. She’s finding herself with lots of follow-up questions.

“It’s easy to have fun with you, too,” she answers, sticking to her honesty promise. “I think maybe that’s why.”

Raj looks at her over his shoulder, smiling warmly. She laughs at the genuine delight shining in his eyes.

She blinks in surprise as Raj slings his paintball gun onto his back again, then catches her by her waist. Before she can so much as gasp, he’s lifted her and set her down lightly to stand on a big boulder overlooking the stretch of forest before them.

“Alright, if this isn’t the most relaxing thing that we’re up to, it’ll be a full fun thing,” he tells her. “Adventure, right now, with the usual adventure stuff. Picture a mermaid lagoon over there, and, um - two rock trolls up on those mountains.”

“What are they doing?” Melanie giggles.

“Throwing boulders at each other, probably? Don’t worry about them, they’re friends, they’ll make up eventually. Scout below for enemies.”

Laughing a little, Mel scans the trees for any sign. “Oh - I think I see some paint on one of the trees! Someone’s been through here.”

Raj hops up to stand on the boulder with her, dramatically aiming his gun, adopting a gravelly voice like a haggard warrior about to lead a horde into battle. “Then let’s go.”

“This day is perfect,” Mel laughs helplessly, a comment rewarded instantly with a beaming smile from Raj.

“Does that mean you forgot about the thing where I almost touched your bra without warning?”

“I actually did, until you just reminded me,” Melanie giggles.

Shit!” Raj shouts, at a truly startling volume, with real anguish in his voice.

Mel’s ribs hurt from laughing. The ache feels so good.


Talking to Raj is turning out to be a staggeringly easy thing to do. He’s a good listener, but he’s got stuff to say, and his sweet, upbeat attitude hasn’t turned cold even once. He makes Mel laugh by launching into what she can only describe as a half-remembered soliloquy to make everything seem more adventurous for her.

And this is turning into one hell of an adventure.

They got ambushed near a little grove of trees, a situation they accidentally evaded when Melanie lost her footing and tugged Raj off of the ridge they were standing on just in time. They went crashing downhill, then scrambling further up the sloping landscape, fleeing openly until some other hidden player sniped the one chasing them.

It bought them enough time to get away to a natural path heading uphill, where someone stepped out in front of them and Mel fired her paintball gun without thinking, winning herself her first confirmed hit. Raj thought it was amazing. He was grinning so delightedly that Mel couldn’t help but beam back at him.

“Legend, man!” he laughs, trotting along in her wake afterwards. “I think we’re getting close!”

They go rushing the rest of the way up the hill, out of breath and panting hard. Melanie looks through the treeline and catches a glimpse of something - a blue flag on a slender wooden pole pushed into the soft earth. Right out in the open, no cover to speak of. Bright splashes of paint on the grass around it suggest that other players have already tried to get it, and taken each other out in the process.

“We have to be careful,” Raj whispers, crouched in the brush beside Melanie. “I should go for it first. If I get hit, you can run in and-”

“Raj!” Melanie gasps, as someone bursts out of the treeline on the other side.

The guy is sprinting directly for the flag, his paintball gun in his hands. Without thinking, Melanie springs to her feet and rushes out to get it first.

She’s closer, and the instant the other player spots her he stops to lift his paintball gun. Raj shouts something, and two explosions of color burst across the other guy’s chest before he can fire. He flings his head back in frustration as Melanie wrenches the flag down from the pole, then whips around triumphantly to show Raj.

“M - get back here!” he shouts, half-laughing, then stops, his eyes widening. “Shit - behind you! It’s Tim!”

Without turning to look behind herself, Melanie ducks, just in time to hear the spatter of more paintballs flying. But nothing hits her as she rushes back to Raj, who’s firing past her.

“We have it, didn’t we win?” she gasps, as he slings the paintball gun onto his back and seizes her hand.

He sets off immediately, pulling her with him. “We have to get it back without losing it! I forgot to tell you about that!”

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah, so run, run!”

Giddy and laughing, Melanie races through the trees beside him, both of them ducking when they hear the thud of paintballs in their wake.

They slow down when they get some distance, panting to get their breaths back. Once they do, both of them burst into delighted laughter, and Mel punches the flag up into the air.

Yes!” She pulls her mask off so she can beam victoriously up at Raj. “We did it!”

She gasps as he catches her by her waist and lifts her to spin her around in a circle. She drops everything to catch his shoulders and brace herself, giggling as her dress swirls around her legs. She feels strong, radiant, undefeatable.

“I fucking knew it, I knew we had this thing!”

“Oh my god - put me down, dummy!” Mel laughs breathlessly, then regrets it when he does.

“Fuck yeah!” Raj pulls his mask off, too, tossing his dark curls out of his face, smiling from ear to ear. “We still need to get the flag back to the beach, but there must only be one or two other players left, if anybody’s left at all. I think we just heard the last two eliminate each other. You’re brave, huh? I dunno too many others who would do all that in a sundress.”

Melanie laughs again, and Raj’s sweet, disarming smile glows in his eyes with shining sincerity. It makes Melanie’s heart do a clumsy stumble, and her heartbeat was already all over the place.

It strikes her all at once that she and Raj are just standing there, panting, beaming at each other. That Raj’s eyes are darkening with his blown-out pupils, but also flickering with - something else. Like the white heat at the center of a fire, only it glows so gently through his beautiful eyes.

Melanie holds her breath. There’s finding a guy handsome, and then there’s - this. She feels moved in her soul by his beauty, by the way it feels to have him look at her this way. Something about it translates to every language of her heart, leaving her spellbound. A deep thrill runs through her, slow and heavy, intense to the point of perfect, delicious agony. Trailblazing its way down her body, making her tremble inside.

Raj catches the expression that steals into her eyes. He gazes deep into them, his hands tightening their grasp on his paintball gun.

“Since we’re not worrying about any tomorrows,” he says softly, haltingly, “Guess I can outright tell you how beautiful you are, and not worry too much what you’ll think about that. Is that right? Or should I not?”

The blush in Melanie’s cheeks deepens even further, somehow.

Moving purely by instinct, she spreads her hands on Raj’s chest, tilting her face up to his. He immediately drops his paintball gun, his hands flying up to take her by her waist. He’s panting with eagerness, beautiful flames kindled in his eyes. The last of the golden sunlight shines on his soft onyx hair, glittering in his eyes as he closes them and brings his mouth down onto hers.

Melanie melts against him as an ocean of fiery, intoxicating, all-consuming desire breaks over her head. Just one kiss shared with him, and she’s aching and desperate to her very core with need. She deepens the kiss, parting her lips to taste him better. He tastes sweet, a little salty with sweat. His mouth is so soft.

He’s trying to hold her gently, but he’s excited enough that he’s actually gripping her pretty tight. She loves it. She can feel his heart racing wildly against her palm.

Some part of Melanie wants to explain to Raj that this isn’t how today would have ended with anyone else besides him. She wants him to know that for her, this is a unique thing. This is something special, between just the two of them. Unprecedented, at least for her.

But she has no idea how to explain that, and he said to just do exactly what she wants. So without a word she kisses him even deeper, tasting him, sliding her hands up the back of his neck to take two tight handfuls of his soft curls. He drops his head to kiss the side of her throat. His eager fingers slip beneath the hem of her scarlet dress. They drag slowly up her thigh, then hesitate. She impatiently presses herself against them, shallow little gasps breaking up her breaths.

Raj has been breathless, too, and now his breathing stops completely for a second. With sudden swiftness, he catches Melanie by her waist and lifts her as he falls forward. She lands gently on the soft, mossy forest floor, with him on his knees over her.

She’s half upright, sprawled out with her trembling thighs slightly parted. Raj eases them further apart, his touch sending electricity snapping up her body with wild, raw intensity that makes her head spin.

“Hey,” Raj says, panting, his pupils completely blown out. “If this doesn’t sound bad to you-?”

“Not at all,” Mel blurts out, with complete honesty. “The opposite.”

She laughs and blushes at her own undisguised enthusiasm, but it makes Raj break into a wide, glowing smile. He presses the paintball gun into her hand, then grins mischievously when she looks at him in startled confusion.

“Keep an eye out,” he tells her, very seriously. “Just in case there’s anyone else left in the game. You see anyone, snipe ‘em.”

“What - are you serious?” Mel giggles, scandalized.

“Mhm,” Raj answers simply, and slips his head beneath her dress.

Melanie lets out a burst of laughter, then a sharp, gasping moan. Her back arches like she was just electrified, and her free hand flies down to tangle in Raj’s softly curling hair. One of his hands - strong, rough, calloused - slips up her sundress to glide up the front of her body. The other glides up the inside of her thigh.

Raj is trembling with excitement and restless desperation and wild fervor just like Mel is, but beneath that, she can tell he’s a man who knows what he’s doing. She senses real mastery in those capable hands. He hasn’t even taken her panties off yet. He’s working through them, and then with them. Melanie moans something that doesn’t quite form into real words, squirming and shuddering against the mossy forest floor.

Her senses are all peaked with adrenaline already, her body trembling and vibrating with it. Now they start feeding her the sensation of every little thing he does, in overwhelming waves that send her reeling, in pleasure so acute it’s unbearable.

Melanie throws her head back, helpless to stop the rocking of her hips, the breathless little cries escaping from her mouth. Her eyes are full of the twilight sky overhead, her consciousness slipping into the delirium of deep, breath-stealing ecstasy, her body in Raj’s hands.

I did it, she thinks dreamily, her last thought before she can’t think anymore at all. I was myself. And I did exactly what I wanted.


The sun sank beneath the horizon at some point, leaving behind a purple sky dotted with the earliest of the stars.

Raj holds Mel’s hand as they walk back towards the beach, his eyes heavy-lidded with tired happiness. He’s all dazed, smiling mindlessly. He was so busy staring dreamily at her while trying to do his zipper back up that Mel had to help him, smothering her giggles by pressing her blushing face against his chest.

Melanie is feeling perfectly, blissfully gratified in every way. Her body is heavy with pleasure all the way through, swimming with adrenaline afterglow, tired and sore in a way that aches so good. Her head is completely clear, but her vision has a gentle haze that softens all of her surroundings. The purple sky, and the glow of lights from the beach off in the distance, warm against it.

If Melanie could pick a state to exist in at all times, it would be whatever this one is.

She nuzzles her face against Raj’s arm, full of gratitude. He looks down at her in surprise, finally broken out of his long spell of dazed quiet.

“You’re so fucking cute,” he laughs, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “Were you serious before, when you said you worry about looking cute when you’re on a first date? That makes no sense. Why would you ever have to worry? Have you seen yourself?”

The thought of that earlier conversation brings something back into Melanie’s mind with the force of a lightning strike. Her eyes open very wide.

“Oh, Raj - oh my god!” She jolts to a stop, one step away from setting foot on the beach. “I was supposed to meet some other guy tonight! Dahlia set it up, and instead I was - in the forest! With you!”

“Oh, right,” Raj says slowly, haltingly. He takes his arm from around her shoulders, then turns to face her, kneading his palm. “So, look - I-”

“The poor guy! I feel so bad!” Melanie is barely listening. She presses her fingers over her mouth, dismayed and mortified. “Raj, this isn’t like me, I normally wouldn’t treat anyone that way! Honestly, nothing we’ve done today is anything I would normally do - but I just - I kind of forgot about everything el-”

“Aw,” Raj laughs softly, smiling down at her. “You’re doing it.”

Mel stops, blinking hard. “What? Doing what?”

He strokes her cheek with his thumb. “Caring what I think about you.”

Melanie blushes helplessly, and Raj adds - “It’s okay. I’ve been caring what you think about me all day. And also right now. Actually, M, I - I have to tell you-”

“Oh my god, Raj, there’s Dahlia, she’s-”

Melanie breaks off in a panic as Dahlia comes to a stop in front of her and Raj, having spotted them from further off down the beach. Her cheeks are glowing pink from the dose of summer sunlight she got, her hair still damp from the waves. Melanie desperately tries to catch her eye, but she’s glancing back and forth between her and Raj in obvious surprise.

“Aw, what?” Dahlia lets out a disbelieving laugh. “Come on, after I did all the setting up I didn’t even get to introduce you two? Okay, well, I’m doing it anyways. Raj, this is Melanie, my best friend. Mel, this is Rajiv, the one who made my amazing new board. It rides like a dream, by the way, Raj! Testing it out today was the best! You’re an artist, I mean it.”

“Oh, glad - glad to hear it,” Raj answers nervously, stealing a quick, sidelong glance at Melanie’s very wide-eyed expression.

Dahlia is looking at Mel’s rumpled braid, the vivid blush in her cheeks. “So, um - how did you two already meet each other?”

“I got here early, too,” Raj explains. “There was something me and the boys were up to nearby before we were gonna head down to get the kickback started. Mel found me and decided to hang out for a while.”

“Oh, okay. What are you holding, Mel?”

Mel numbly holds up the paintball mask and the blue flag in her hand.

“We won,” she manages, in a faint voice.

“Mkay…” Dahlia takes a sip of her beer, trying to communicate silently with Melanie, who shakes her head and mouths later at her with begging eyes. “Well, the party’s getting started. You guys smell the stuff on the grill? My mouth is watering.”

“Yeah, we’ll be right there,” Melanie tells her gratefully.

Dahlia nods and smiles, then turns to head back towards the party, flashing Mel a look like - we’re gonna discuss this ASAP. Mel gives her a nod of confirmation before she turns back to Raj, her cheeks on fire.

“Don’t be mad,” he blurts out imploringly, all in a rush. He catches her hand in both of his, gently squeezing her fingers. “Look, I’m sorry I didn’t say anything! I just figured it was a good opportunity for us to have some fun together, without adding all the pressure you were talking about! And I really wanted you to have a good time with me, because you’re so… I mean, Dahlia made you sound like an angel, but I didn’t realize just how…”

Raj trails off, squeezing her fingers, his pleading eyes lingering on hers.

“Hey,” he begins again, struggling over his words, “If you really do want to hang with me only for today, like we agreed, then I understand. That’s totally cool. But if - if there’s any chance at all that you-”

“No, definitely!” Melanie laughs, overcome with relief. “Thanks for not making me say it.”

Raj blinks, then breaks into a slow, beaming smile.

Really?” He folds his arms around her, then drops his forehead gently onto hers, just as relieved as she is. “Oh, thank god. I was hating the thought of letting you walk away. You’re something heaven-sent. Wife credentials, that’s what you got. Feel like if we start dating it’s just gonna be me trying to convince you that I got the husband ones. That’s cool, though. I’m happy to do that.”

“I - what?” Melanie draws back, then dissolves into shocked giggles. “Raj! That’s - that’s a wild thing to say to a girl you just met!”

He grins down at her, his eyes twinkling warmly at the sound of her laughter. “Maybe, angel, but I hear the intuition talking to me. That’s why I wanted to give you that perfect first day you were after.”

Melanie blushes even deeper, somehow. It seems like it shouldn’t be physically possible, but she did.

“Well - nice work on that,” she answers, lapsing into dazed laughter.

Raj beams at her again. “Really? I did good? Fuck yeah! Okay, so let me keep it up, let’s see, um - what can I do to make it even better? Should we join the kickback? You want a hot dog?”

“Yeah,” Melanie giggles. “I actually do. I’m starving.”

She’d normally stick to small nibbles on a first date, worried about spilling something, ruining her outfit, having mustard on her cheek when he leans in for a kiss. But some little thing like that couldn’t ruin this. Nothing could.

Melanie has already decided that it was perfect, absolutely perfect.

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Special Episode: Good Feelings (Part III)


Special Episode: Good Feelings (Part I)