Soft Touch Family Playlist 2023 Submissions Open!

Edit: Submissions for this year are now closed! Thank you to everyone who participated!

Hello, my beautiful readers!🎧🤘

Last year, you kickass people blew my mind with a playlist of your top songs that ruled so fucking much. It was indecent how great it turned out. We had songs from every decade since the ‘80s, we had metal and folk and classical, and like fifteen other genres. Our most repeated artist (with three songs) was Hozier, which is very sexy of us. All in all: objectively rad. Just like you guys!🌱✨

I love that playlist for a lot of reasons, but most of all because we all made it together. It’s a beautiful picture of this dope group of readers, and I was hoping y’all might want to do it again this year! Like a Soft Touch family holiday tradition!☃️

So, here’s the plan! If you want to participate, tell me your most-played song of 2023 in the comments! If I haven’t edited this post yet to say otherwise, submissions remain open, so please comment with your song!

Seriously, please do. Even if you’re normally shy to comment, and you only want to put the song name and the artist and nothing else! Go for it! If you’re reading this, I’d love for you to be part of it.💕

Remember, it’s only one song per person! No restrictions on what kind of song. If you were listening to something very weird or warped this year and that truth was revealed in your Spotify Wrapped: right on. Leave it in the comments for me. Whatever it is you were listening to, I’m excited to hear it!😊

You folks are the best! I love and appreciate you all unimaginable amounts! Have a cozy night!🕯☕️🌌




Special Episode: Secrets


Special Episode: Sounds of Home