Soft Touch Discord & Playlist Updates

Hey, my loves!💕

I’ve got two fun announcements to make, so I’m grouping them together!

I’ve been wanting to do some updating of the playlists that I’ve made for our Ketterbridge crew, and today I finally did it! All of the playlists that I’ve previously posted now have between one to three new songs each. If you want to go give them another listen, you should find something new!🎧 The only one that hasn’t been updated is the J+A playlist, which I felt should stay in its original form. Happy listening!🎶

Onto some super exciting news! There’s been some talk in the comments about setting up a Soft Touch Discord, where you beautiful readers can talk and share. Well, that’s officially a reality!😊

Thank you times one million to Danni, who set up this incredible fan-operated Discord for us! Please be sure to thank him, if you drop in to check it out!😊 There are so many cool channels to explore, and it honestly looks like the beginning of a great community space, so please go take a look!💕

Have fun checking it out, and one more king-sized thank you to Danni!💓 I’ll see you tomorrow with the next episode! Have a sweet rest of your night, my loves!🌙




Shine - Part Six


5DoFA: Day Four and Five