New Heights - Part Eighteen

This episode is part of a larger story, Soft Touch. If you haven’t yet, you can go back and read it from the beginning right here. The episode below is NSFW and contains mature content.

All the way back in high school, I promised myself that I wasn’t going to let Aiden boss me around like he did everyone else. But you know what? I am so willing to make an exception this time. I turn and basically run for the loft.

The moment my knees hit the mattress, I hear Aiden’s rushed footsteps on the loft stairs, followed by the crash of a lot of falling glass.

He appears at the top of the steps, out of breath and wide-eyed.

“Oh my god!” He falls to his knees before me on the bed. “I can’t believe that just happened!” He takes my face in his hands, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “Are you okay?”

“Yes!” I draw his mouth to mine, kiss him deeply again. He surges forward, flattening me out onto my back and climbing over me. “That was insane, though! You feel like you got that out of your system?”

“Let’s hope so, right?” Aiden laughs, and I laugh, too, and we’re both still sort of laughing when he bends to start kissing my neck.

“Are we gonna burn down the Ghost Office?” I ask, curling my fingers around his biceps.

“Don’t care.” His voice is muffled against my neck. “Can’t wait any longer.”

“Okay, but you do realize that you’ll have to explain everything to Kasey, if that happens?”

Aiden draws back, and he looks so genuinely alarmed at the prospect that I burst out laughing again, then take a fistful of his shirt and yank him back down to me. This is altogether more laughter than I’m used to during a moment like this, but Aiden is laughing, too.

And soon the laughter turns to gasping breathing. The sound mingles with the roar of the rain above us, as we twist together on the mattress.

Aiden’s drenched t-shirt is clinging to his body, and I definitely like the way that looks, but I want it out of the way. I drag it up over his head and toss it aside, then do the same with my own. He kisses me again, taking my face in his hand.

My eyes are closed, but I hear a soft click and realize that he’s working on getting his belt undone.

I open my eyes, confirm my suspicion, and sit up. This is so not happening. I have waited long enough to take off Aiden’s pants, and I’m not about to let him do it for me.

“Hey!” I reach out and swat his hand away, harder than I intended. “Let me.”

I didn’t mean to be so sharp with him, but I feel his pulse stutter where my fingers are wrapped around his wrist, and his blue eyes glitter like he has exactly zero complaints about it, so I grab his shoulders and roll us over.

I kiss him all the way down into the mattress, then put my mouth to his throat, more intoxicated than ever by the smell and taste of him, the warmth of his body. The firefly lights drift above our heads, casting a soft golden glow over us.

I press my lips to Aiden’s chest, feel the pounding of his heartbeat against my mouth. Is something else going to explode? It seems possible, so I work my way down slowly.

I open my mouth, glide my lips and tongue down his solar plexus, ghost my fingers over the sides of his rib cage. Aiden tangles his hand in my hair, but nothing explodes.

I lick those sloping divots of muscle at his hips, pressing my thumbs into them with that hard, intense pressure that he likes. His breath hitches. Still, nothing explodes.

My heart stumbles again. This is officially happening.

I skate my nose through the line of fine dark hair that leads down to his belt, kiss the velvety-soft skin right above his waistline, and only then undo the buckle. I slide my fingers into his pants, then drag my fingernails along his thighs as I pull his jeans down; Aiden shivers, and kicks them the rest of the way off.

I sit up, and his hand drops out of my hair. I catch it, noticing that there’s a small red spot on his palm.

“Did I hurt you?” I ask, realizing it’s the place where I slapped his hand away. Aiden grins, burning blue eyes fixed on my face.

“Don’t worry about th-” He breaks off as I press a slow, open-mouthed kiss into his palm, then drag my tongue up to that sensitive spot between his thumb and index finger. I roll the skin there between my teeth, then lick my way up his index finger, and slip it into my mouth.

Aiden’s free hand grasps at the sheets, and he draws in a shuddering breath. Before I can blink, I find myself on my back again. He makes very speedy work of my belt. One-handed, somehow, because the other is cupping my face, his thumb dragging over my lips.

I feel the rain-wet fabric come away in one hard pull, and gasp at the sudden rush of air against my skin. Aiden’s fingers slip into the elastic of my boxers; he skates his mouth over my hip bones, his stubble tickling me in the best way possible. Raindrops escape from his hair and drip onto me, their coolness each a little shock against the rising warmth of my body. Goosebumps ripple down my arms, the back of my neck.

The wave of adrenaline crashing through me reaches a new peak, and I prop myself up on my elbows.


“Mmm?” The soft hum of his voice vibrates through my skin, and my toes curl.

“Take those off.”

He pulls back, smirking. “Mine or yours?”

“Both, obviously!”

I watch as he bounds back to his feet and strips his boxers off, tossing them at the pile with the rest of our clothes.

It’s my first uninterrupted look at Aiden’s body. I almost get dizzy, taking in the sight. The sweep of his rain-slick muscles, all firm and graceful, taut and corded in the way they get when he’s turned on. And he is turned on, which I can see very clearly, now that nothing is in the way to block my view.

So, I’ve got a lot to work with. Cool. Cool cool cool.

I swallow hard, staggered by the way that just looking is sending waves of tingly pleasure up my body.

“You’re um - well-proportioned, huh?” I ask, and he laughs, dropping back to his knees on the mattress.

“Your turn,” he murmurs, pressing another kiss to my hip bone before he slides my boxers off.

I feel a little exposed, right now, sort of vulnerable after looking at Aiden with all of his smirky confidence, but I’m not about to let him know that, so I toss my hair out of my face and stare him right in the eyes.

He sits back, just looking at me, the way I was looking at him. My boxers slip out of his hand and tumble onto the floor. His pupils are doing that thing again, his lip pinned between his teeth.

Fuck,” he finally says, and dives for me. “God!” He attacks my neck with his mouth, and I fall onto my back again, twining my arms around him. “I really am gonna burn down the Ghost Office.”

“Let’s hope not,” I stammer, my fingers raking down his spine. “Then Roger is going to show up and find us like this.”

“Good. Maybe then he’ll get the message I was trying to send him the last time he turned up at the Ghost Office.”

Aiden!” He’s somehow startled a laugh out of me in the middle of this, but I only have one second to wonder at that before he flattens his body against mine. For the first time, with no barriers between us.

A sharp, shivering exhale slips past my lips, and Aiden lets out a soft groan, his voice all raspy and rough. I wrap my legs around him, and he slides a hand up my outer thigh. Catches my lip between his teeth. Works his tongue against mine like it’s the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted.

I’m so fucking happy, and this feels so fucking good, I would be fine if we only did this, so long as we get to do it for hours and hours -

Aiden pulls back and gazes down at me, blue eyes wide. He’s breathless, smiling, with some wild, bright expression on his face.

“What?” I ask, tracing my fingers along his collarbone.

“The way your energy sounds right now... It's… I’ve never heard it sound quite like this.”

We’ve never been naked and intertwined together, in the glow of magic lights, beneath a thundering rainstorm, so that makes sense.

“I’m really enjoying myself, what do you want me to say?” I ask, folding my arms around his neck.

“No, I mean, I’ve never heard it sound like this before.”

“Well, I’ve never felt like this before!” I blurt out impatiently, before I can think.

I thought my cheeks were at maximum blush, but the second I realize what I said, they heat up even more. I struggle to think of some kind of qualifier that could make that sound less intense, but Aiden’s huge smile grows even wider, and he bends to brush his lips against my ear.

“Jamie,” he whispers, and that single sound sends a wave of heat rolling through me.

He kisses me again, this time so deeply that everything else becomes fuzzy; I can’t think of anything but him, the feeling of his glossy chestnut hair between my fingers, his body pressed against mine.

He draws back and touches his fingers to my mouth. I take his wrist in my hands, then start nibbling and licking each individual joint, every swell of muscle, intending to give him a long and luxurious treatment. But as soon as his fingers are slick again, he takes them away, and drifts them down my body.

His hand traces down my thigh, then back up.

I shudder beneath his touch when his fingers wrap around me. Drop my head back onto the pillows as he slowly starts building a rhythm. I would normally close my eyes, but Aiden locks his gaze with mine, and holds it there, and I can’t look away, can’t do anything. Only cling to him tightly, my fingertips digging into the whipcord muscle of his shoulders.

I get the impression that Aiden is enjoying this just as much as I am, feeding on the tremors of my body, the breathless sounds rising up and out of my mouth. I can see it in his eyes, since he still has me nailed to the bed with that sapphire stare.

No, no, no, I think desperately. I’ve been waiting so long, and this feels so fucking good, and - it’s about to be over, way too soon. I can tell already, especially when Aiden dips his head to push a kiss into the hollow of my throat. His elbow is braced in the mattress by my head; a vein in his bicep is raised from the effort. I turn my head and drag my tongue over it.

Aiden makes a deep, stuttering sound against my throat, and now I know there’s no point even trying to put off what’s about to happen -

I let out a moan of protest as Aiden’s hand abruptly eases up.

“Don’t you dare,” he whispers, a little smile on his face. “Not yet. I’m not done with you.”

I wasn’t sure what would be on the play menu for our first time doing something like this, so it’s a delightful surprise when Aiden starts kissing his way down my stomach, but -

He stops and catches my eyes again, his mouth only a breath away from where I need it to be. What is he waiting for? I’m going to fucking die.

“You know,” he says, smiling at me up the length of my body, “I really like that redhead blush you get.”

“Aiden, please,” I find myself gasping.

No one’s ever made me beg before, and I would be furious if I could focus on anything but the warmth of his breath against me. I can feel every inhale, every exhale.

But still he waits there, and I can hardly take this anymore. In my desperation, I slide my fingers into his hair and try to push his head down, but he won’t let me.

“Relax, little demon.” Aiden’s voice is a low, husky purr. “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. I’m taking a second to enjoy the view.” He cocks his head to the side. “And… it’s fun to watch you squirm.”

“Okay, you know what, man?” I prop myself up on my elbows to glare at him. “I’m gonna-”

I fall back against the pillows, choking on the words I was going to say. My hands fumble their way back into Aiden’s hair, and I hold on tight.

I can’t believe I asked Aiden if I was the first guy he’s been with, when we got together. He… must be experienced. In fact, I’d say he’s at the top of his game. I end up flinging my arm over my mouth, stifling what would otherwise be a stupid amount of noise.

There’s a faint scent of vetiver clinging to my hands.

When I can’t take anymore, I slip my fingers back into Aiden’s hair. His name ends up riding a dazed laugh out of my mouth. Not because anything’s funny, but because I’m blissed-out to the point of feeling almost giddy.

My hips had pushed up off the bed, chasing the heat of his mouth, but I collapse now, breathing like I just ran a marathon.

Aiden sits back, smirking again, and drags the back of his hand over his lips.

I honestly feel like I’m stoned or something, and it takes me a minute to blink back into the real world. But when I do, I grab Aiden’s wrist and yank him back up towards me. He is so wrong if he thinks we’re done, right now.

I lay him out flat on his back, but I don’t dive in right away. He nearly teased me to death, so. It’s payback time, and for once, I have the whole canvas of his body to work with.

By the time I pull back to catch my breath, Aiden’s head is tipped back, his eyes closed, lips slightly parted. His cheeks turned a burnt crimson. I have to stop and absorb the sight for a moment.

I’m struck with a sudden memory of the icy horror I felt when I heard that Aiden was moving back to town.

I would rather this town get even smaller than have Aiden Callahan come back, I’d told Kasey.

And now, here he is, bare and unwound on the bed beneath me, all rain-glazed skin and heightened breath, with this look on his face. I could almost laugh, the situation is so unlikely, but - I have better things to be doing.

Enough teasing.

I drop my head, kick things off with a long, leisurely swirl of my tongue. A quiet curse escapes Aiden’s mouth.

His hand sweeps into my hair, his breathing ragged and deep. I take my time with him, go slowly. I know that one thoughtful, well-placed touch is worth ten sloppy ones, and I’m not a big believer in treating sex as a rush towards an end goal. I like to think of it as building layers of pleasure, finding out how many a person can take.

Aiden, to his credit, holds out for quite a few layers, which gives me time to do a lot.

Because stuff tends to explode when I do something he likes too much, I have an almost encyclopedic knowledge of every little thing that makes him feel good.

I know exactly what kind of treatment to lay down on him, and I do so slowly and meticulously.

I’m paying close attention to the way his body tenses and relaxes with what I’m doing. Leaving just enough time for him to fully absorb the impact of each touch or movement before I go onto the next. Listening to the way his breaths begin to melt and drag together, until they suddenly turn short and sharp.

From what Aiden’s told me, his romantic history after high school has consisted mostly of one-night stands, which are their own kind of fun, but - I wonder when’s the last time he’s been with someone who really knew what he liked, understood his body, been fluent in the language of it.

I feel a tremor move through him. I look up and find him watching me, panting, propped up on his elbow. His eyebrows drawn together, his heels digging into the mattress.

Right before I push him over the edge, I sink my fingernails into his thighs. His grip tightens in my hair, and he lets out a sharp, hoarse sound that I think I’ll probably never forget for the rest of my life.

It takes a good long moment for his breathing to slow down.

When it does, he reaches for me, and draws me up to him. I snuggle up at his side. It feels so good to have his skin against my skin, nothing in the way.

For a few minutes, the only sound is the hammering of the rain on the roof, and then -

“Oh my god,” Aiden says, staring up at the ceiling.

“That was okay, don’t you think?” I ask, with a shrug. I’m still out of breath, my cheeks still bright red. “I mean. It was fine.”

“Yeah, it was alright. Passable.”

He tips his head to look at me, grinning, and we both burst into dazed laughter. He squeezes me closer to him, and I plant a gentle kiss on his jaw.

I fall silent, wondering if Aiden is as happy as I am right now. The answer presents itself without my having to ask. I catch a movement from the corner of my eye, and turn to look.

The glass that had shattered and dropped to the floor earlier - it’s floating, drifting through the Ghost Office like there’s no gravity whatsoever.

All of it. Every last piece.

“What are you looking at, Keane? Come back here.”

Oh, man. He doesn’t even know that he’s doing it. Smiling to myself, I turn back and tuck my head beneath Aiden’s chin.

We lay there together in serene silence, listening to the rain.

And the building going up in my heart reaches a new height.

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Fan Art - Aiden’s Eyes


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