Magical Spice - Part Two

This episode is part of a larger story, Soft Touch. If you haven’t yet, you can go back and read it from the beginning right here.

It was really hard to say goodbye to Thorn. He was obviously sad to see us go.

He walked with us all the way to the edge of his forest, speaking to us in a determinedly cheerful voice. He briefly turned Aiden into a stressed-out mess by once again bowing deeply to him when we parted ways. Then he stood leaning on his mossy staff, watching after us until we fell out of his sight.

I have a sneaking suspicion that he can see very far through the woods. He protects a huge swath of the forest, but he’s tracked us down within it a few times now, without too much apparent difficulty. And the feeling of a gentle pair of violet eyes on my back lingered long after I couldn’t see Thorn through the trees anymore.

Aiden and I were both a little sad, even knowing that we’ll see him again soon. But the thought of coming home slowly lifts my spirits back up.

I let out a soft sigh of relief as I follow Aiden through the green, arching walls of the natural passageway, up to the rounded gate, and into the front garden, where we stop and gaze up at our cozy oddball of a house. It seems to smile down at us, all the mismatched windows glowing golden with reflected summer sunshine.

Opening the front door gives me a big breath of that elusive scent I can only describe as home. The taste in the air I only notice again once I’ve been gone for a little while.

Aiden and I step inside together. I let my eyes wander over our colorful, sunlit living room, then break into a startled grin as immediate calls of greeting rise up from Ralph and Noah.

I wanted to be considerate of their time, given that Ralph is busy running a huge business and Noah is busy being a dad, so I had asked them to take turns feeding Luna and Jumble, on alternating days. But I get the immediate impression that what ended up happening instead was the two of them coming over here together, every time. They’re chilling right now like they’ve been doing this every day since we’ve been gone. Ralph has a video game paused on my Xbox, and Noah is seated on the rug by the coffee table, writing on the topmost page of a small stack of loose papers. A letter to his sister, maybe?

Aiden and I exchange an affectionate grin, then pull off our shoes and cross to join his brothers in the living room. Tycho rushes over to meet us halfway.

“Heyo!” Noah folds his elbows on the coffee table, a movement that makes his inky snow leopard do a silent roar. “How was ghost hunting? You guys catch anything? Shit, wait a sec - it’s not here right now, is it?”

“No,” Aiden snickers, catching the sudden alarm on Noah’s face. “But we met a forest spirit. Kind of. He’s an illusion, but he’s basically grown into the real deal. He was nice.”

Ralph and Noah stare at Aiden with matching blank expressions, their eyes perfectly round.

“And we saw a naiad-siren!” I add. “That was pretty cool!”

“A naiad-siren?” Noah looks to Ralph for an explanation, then back at us. “What’s that?”

“She’s like a - a magical woman who lives around a bunch of pretty streams and rivers,” I answer haltingly, not sure how to explain. “She has seduction powers, and she lures people in with her song and her beauty. She uses her hydria, when she has it. And she lays around on the rocks in a little see-through flower dress.”

Ralph and Noah sit up more, suddenly fascinated by what I have to say. Both of them open their mouths at the same time.

“Whatever you’re about to ask, the answer is no,” Aiden rumbles firmly.

“What’s a hydria, though?” Noah breaks into a devious grin. “Sounds sexy. Should I get one for Mel?”

Aiden closes his eyes, struggling to compose himself. “Okay, moving right on. Any problems looking after our place?”

“Your cat kinda yelled at me a few times,” Ralph says, looking a little put out.

“Oh, don’t worry about that!” I reassure him hastily. “That’s just how she talks!”

“Oh.” Ralph brightens up again, looking relieved. “Then nah, no problems. Except for Noah’s new hat, which I’m guessing you two have seen by now.”

“Jesus Christ! I wish I hadn’t!” I turn to look at Noah imploringly. “Throw it away, dude. You have to.”

Noah turns to Aiden. “Aiden, I know I can count on your support.”

“Are you s- man, the hat needs to be burned,” Aiden sputters. “There’s something unforgivably wrong with every inch of it. It’s actually kind of amazing how much wrongness can be stuffed into one hat.”

“What has the hat done?” I ask the group. “Don’t you guys think it looks guilty of real evil?”

“You chumps just don’t understand,” Noah sighs, barely fighting back the laughter showing itself in his grey eyes. “Sometimes fashion is about sending a message, alright?”

“Oh, that hat definitely sends a message,” Ralph groans.

“Yeah, like - that having sex with you would probably be a really weird experience,” Aiden tells Noah. “I know what this is really about, by the way. You just like it because it gets Raj all worked up, has him talking a bunch about how cute you are without it.”

Noah presses the side of his fist to his mouth, but it doesn’t cover the grin. “Does seem to do that, doesn’t it?”

“So all the rest of us have to suffer?” Ralph complains, punching Noah’s shoulder. “Come on, man. That thing makes my eyes burn.”

“I can do whatever I want, including burning your eyes! It’s a little thing called conditional rights, bro, look it up!”

“Wh-?” Ralph pauses, then lets out a startled laugh. “You mean constitutional rights? You said conditional.”

“So what?” Noah asks impatiently. “That’s what I meant. Same thing.”

“Not the same thing. I mean - they’re not supposed to be, anyways. Guess a lot of the time-”

“Whatever, dude! The point is, the hat stays, so get some eye drops!”

Ralph lets out an exasperated sound. “The next time I see Nik I’m gonna tell her to bite you.”

“Wow.” Noah casts Ralph a wounded look. “Fucked up thing to say, bro. I’m pretty sure baby bites are poisonous.”

“Oh, yeah? Then I’m definitely gonna tell her to bite you!”

Aiden catches Noah by his hair and Ralph by the collar of his shirt just before the conversation can escalate into a wrestling match.

“When this phenomenal display of maturity is over, let us know,” he sighs wearily, depositing them a safe distance apart. “You’re both babies, by the way. Oreo cheesecake at nine in the morning, Noosh?”

“Oh, so I’m not a grown-up, huh? Then why are we all going to an art gallery to see a photography exhibition, man? And not even ‘cause we have to for school. That’s real grown-up shit.”

“The one in Greenrock?” I cast a bright, surprised smile at Noah. “The one I found the flyer for at Mugshot? We’re going?”

“If you guys are free, yeah. I’ll text you the plan.” Ralph gets up, stretches his arms over his head, and shakes out his blonde hair. He clicks his tongue for Tycho, who was still bouncing around Aiden’s legs. She trots over to Ralph, frisking around his combat boots. He looks at his combat boots, then glances up at me and Aiden. “Do we have to dress up, or anything? To go to an exhibition?”

“I’ve got a hat I can wear,” Noah offers hopefully.

“No,” Ralph says firmly. “Nevermind. Forget I said anything.”

“I might be able to provide a ride!” Noah turns to face me and Aiden, an excited grin quirking up his mouth. “I found a seriously cheap car I think I’m gonna buy. It’s absolutely beat to shit, but I’m gonna see if I can get it purring again. I mean, if Jamie’s car is still running, anything is possible, right?”

Noah dodges the slap I aimed at him, then bounds to his feet.

“Anyways, we’ll get out of your hair,” he yawns, gathering up the letter he was writing. “I’m guessing Jamie wants to take a shower.”

“So badly,” I admit, in a pained voice.

“Yeah, we thought so. Just let us know when you’re going camping again.” Ralph holds up the key ring hooked around his finger. “I’m guessing we should hold onto the spare?”

“If you guys don’t mind babysitting our house again,” I answer gratefully.

Ralph and Noah look around at our warm, bright living room, the leaves outside doing their gentle dance against the windows, the cozy couches filled with pools of sunlight.

“Nah, we don’t mind.” Ralph gives his shoulders a casual shrug. “Whenever.”

“Yeah, we don’t mind it here,” Noah adds.

They both look a little regretful as they set off to leave.

“You guys can come back whenever!” I laugh.

Noah walks backwards to point at me. “Don’t think we won’t! We’ve got a key now, so watch out! I can sneak in here and beat all the high scores on your Xbox whenever I want!”

“Oh, I’m not worried about that,” I answer sweetly.

Noah pauses to flash me a middle finger, then to flash Aiden a betrayed expression as he lets out a snicker of laughter.

“Games and ganj night soon?” Noah calls to me.

“You’re on,” I call back, grinning happily.

Noah gives us a two-fingered salute, then shuts the door after himself and Ralph.

I turn around, lean against Aiden, and take a long, deep breath of home.


The shower feels so. Good. Paradise. I lean my temple against the green glass tile wall and let out a sigh of pure bliss, then go to town with my body wash and shampoo and conditioner. I give some thought to shaving the stubble beard that’s filled in on my face over the past few days, but Aiden’s been touching it and looking at it a lot, so. I think I’ll probably just leave it for now.

Once I’ve slipped into my clothes, I say hello to Jumble, who immediately puffs up his feathers in indignation at my presence. Then I take a slow lap of the house. Checking on my houseplants, but also letting my eye wander affectionately over everything.

The nook with Aiden’s desk, strewn with a chaos of poetry books and archivist tools and a familiar, white pair of cotton gloves. His work bag leaning against it. The winding forest of my plants on the windowsills, leaves lifted to the sunshine. The little hidden cabinets and shelves set into the walls, some of which we’ve found uses for. One has our cookbooks, and another is filled with folded stacks of the colorful linens we use on our bed.

I check on the ruby plant. Its leaves are glimmering, the softly glowing scarlet fruits swaying in the breeze coming in from our branch window. I gently touch my knuckle to one of the leaves, then go downstairs and pluck Luna from one of the windowsills for a snuggle. To her immense annoyance, going by the expression she fixes me with. But she doesn’t scramble for me to put her down, either, and she’s giving herself away with the purring.

I give her grumpy face some smooches. Then, finally, I let myself out into the old garden. I step into the dreamy green chaos of it, breathing deeply and slowly. Wandering into the leaves, trailing my fingers over them.

The quiet garden is drenched with sunlight, whispering in the lazy summer breeze. Wildflowers are bursting up everywhere in natural, untidy sprawls, making streams of color, dotting the moss on the garden walls.

I run my eyes over the malachite plant, smiling at it in affectionate wonder. It’s growing so fast. Most saplings its age would be much smaller. If I had to guess how old it is, I’d say three years, but I know that’s not true.

It’s branching and putting off leaves like a deciduous tree, but the fragrance it puts off is distinctly evergreen.

I take a long, slow breath of it, then startle and straighten up as a soft whooshing noise meets my ears.

“Will!” I call out happily, crossing the garden towards him. “Hey, dude!”

He was still getting his bearings from materializing here, but he catches sight of me and smiles. He comes over to meet me, his heavy work boots gliding right through the wildflowers.

“Hallo, Jamie! I thought I might find you here. Welcome home!” He stops before me, his green eyes bright with excitement. “Quite a trip to the forest, I’ve heard from Kasey.”

“Yeah, definitely! It’s good to be back. We’ve got a lot to discuss.”

“I was about to say!” He winces at me apologetically. “My apologies for staying back, I-”

“Oh, don’t even worry!” I jump in, waving my hands at him. “It’s all good. Leave Ketterbridge when the time is right, man.”

Will casts me a grateful look.

“Thank you, my friend. I was rather disappointed in myself, to own the truth. Sending Kasey every day instead - I was not happy with myself over it, not at all.”

I make a sympathetic face at him. “I’m guessing Kasey told you not to worry about it?”

“Just so. She said that if anything, I should be happy for so many opportunities to see her in her, ah - what did she call them? Super cute homemade hiking looks.”

I catch the little grin that quirks up Will’s mouth at that.

“Something tells me you were happy about it,” I laugh. “She looked nice in them, didn't she?”

“Prodigious beautiful,” Will admits, blushing a little, half-laughing. “I was rather tongue-tied when she showed them off. She would’ve been nabbed for indecency, back in my day! She always likes it when I tell her that.”

“Of course she does,” I snicker. “Where is she?”

“Resting,” Will murmurs fondly. “Recovering the energy she expended, though I do not think it will take long, this time. Where is Aiden?”

“He just finished making some food, now he’s in the shower.”

“Ah, of course. Shall I return when we are all - recharged, so to speak? Even I could stand to rest for a spell.”

Will does look more transparent than usual, his silver light burning softly. He’s given Kasey a lot of his energy over the past few days.

Besides, the dappling sunlight in its slow movement, the cool shade beneath the trees, the gentle whisper of the garden - it’s all making me drowsy, too.

“Yeah, go get some sleep,” I yawn, rubbing my eyes. “I’ll probably do the same.”

I say goodbye to Will, then head back into the kitchen. The baking sheet Aiden pulled out of the oven before his shower is resting on the kitchen counter, still sending up fragrant steam. I go over to take a look, find the tray lined with rows of little olive oil honey cakes, and take one. It crumbles into delicious warmth in my mouth as I head back upstairs.

I glance into the bathroom as I go past, then stop in the doorway, caught by surprise. Aiden has gone motionless in the middle of his shower. He’s leaning his hand against the wall, his head slightly bowed. His eyes are closed, and there’s a serene smile lingering on his lips.

He’s listening to me, I realize, with a rush of love in my heart.

Aiden sighs softly, leaning further into his hand, and I stand there marveling at how every little move he makes has such rare, exceptional grace. Admiring the view that the half-steamed shower allows me. Gazing at him with adoring eyes.

A rich, deep laugh suddenly breaks from Aiden. “Are you just gonna stand there openly watching me while I shower, Keane?”

“Yeah, maybe I will.”

More soft, huffing laughter, even as he tries to scowl at me. “Is shame just a concept you’re not familiar with?”

“No, yeah, not at all,” I answer, my eyes still roving all over his body. “What is it? Can you teach me about it?”

“There’s more of the fire that goes with that hair. Why’d you put clothes on, by the way?”

“I was - I don’t know.” I blink in surprise. “I went to check on the garden. Why, was I not supposed to put clothes on?”

Aiden pushes his wet hair out of his face so he can open his eyes. My breath stops when I see the vivid blue flames of desire kindled within them.

“No,” comes the soft, deep rumble of his voice, growing husky. “You weren’t.”

“Oh.” I freeze for a second, blush deeply, then start backing out of the bathroom. “I’ll just - go fix that, then.”

“I’ll be there in a minute,” Aiden murmurs.

I bound back into the bedroom and toss my clothes aside, then wait eagerly on the end of the bed. Just waiting for him is slowly working me into a delirium of nervous excitement. My cheeks are already on fire, and my heart trips over itself at the soft sound of the shower switching off.

Aiden slips into the bedroom, all bare, mostly dried off. His hunky arms are lifted, his hands busy finger-combing his tumbled hair. The little movement shows off the graceful muscles running up his sides. He gives me an approving smile when he sees me there with only the malachite necklace and the heist ring still on.

I hold my breath as Aiden comes up to me and cups my jaw in his hand. He strokes my cheek with his thumb, then slips an arm around my waist and lifts me. At the same time, he sinks down onto his knees on the bed, carrying me all the way onto it.

He wastes no time at all. He kisses me deeply as he eases me down onto my back, laying me out on the covers.

I know I’m coming off all needy with how tightly I’m already clinging to him, already blushing so hard that my cheeks are glowing crimson, already spreading my legs to make room for him between them. I can’t help it, though, and besides, I can feel just how much he likes it.

I bite back a moan as Aiden rubs himself up against me, the satin heat of his skin melting me into the bed. His head sinks down over mine, his tongue sinking deep into my mouth, his elbows sinking into the bed on either side of me.

He begins to glow softly as I wrap my thighs around him, tightening my grasp on his hair.

His golden light shines onto me, making me glow, too.


Some time later, long after Aiden and I have stopped panting and collapsed together into the rumpled sheets, I finally get enough control over my still-reeling body to make my way out of bed. I slip downstairs and retrieve our blended coffees from Mugshot, which we put in the freezer so they could get all frosty again. Aiden sits up and accepts his with an intimate smile when I come back.

The cold sweetness tastes amazing with the soft summer heat drifting through the windows, and with the flaming blush still glowing in my cheeks. I take a long sip, listening to the breeze in the treetops.

My eyes drift to the box of Aiden’s books from Aunt Sarah’s house. Still tucked away near the wall. I tilt my head to the side, gazing at it thoughtfully, then slip on my knit shorts.

“Can you help me?” I call softly to Aiden.

He comes over to join me, stumbles into his sweatpants, then scoops up the box. I lead him into the hallway, where one of the cabinets sunken into the wall is still empty. It’s a small one, with an arched glass door.

I swing the door open, then begin filling it up with Aiden’s old mythology books. The ones where he underlined everything that referenced a magical tree, in preparation for his search.

He watches me in surprise for a moment, then begins to help me, handing up the books so I can neatly put them away.

When we’re done, I close the door of the cabinet again and step back. Aiden and I look together at our tiny library of books on magical trees. All the knowledge Aiden gathered, collected together. Ready for the next Guardian who wants some context.

Aiden smiles warmly down at me, tousles my hair with his fingertips.

My magic boyfriend, I think weakly, dazed all over again. In my house that’s spoken to me, with my gemstone plants, with ghosts in the garden, with little pieces of magic everywhere.

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Special Episode: Gem Plants


Chapter Twenty-Four: Magical Spice