Fan Art - The Ghost Office

An ink and watercolor piece of artwork, showing the Ghost Office alongside the river. There are lots of green trees, fireflies, and a small sign with a ghost on it that reads The Ghost Office.

Hey there, beautiful readers of mine!😊

As you know, I’m on my holiday break right now. That means no new episodes, but I did want to take the chance to share some more gorgeous fan art with all of you!

This beautiful slice of Ketterbridge comes from Flo (a.k.a. Flowercat), who captured the home base of Team Ghost Office!🌳✨ I just love this, the atmosphere, the beautiful river, the fireflies, all the details in the pebbles and the trees - everything about it is so lovely! Thank you so much again, Flo.💓

Flo was also sweet enough to send me a version of this that isn’t colored in! You can download the uncolored version here, so you can color it in and make your own Ghost Office sign.👻

I’ll link Flo’s DeviantArt and Youtube below, so you can find more of their beautiful artwork! And, as always, you can also leave some love for the artist in the comments.😊

Missing all of you, hope you’re having a lovely Christmas, and can’t wait to be back tomorrow with the next episode!🎄



Special Episode: Safe


Special Episode: Sunrise