Fan Art - Sour Tart, Sweet Art

Digital artwork of Jamie from the shoulders up, against a bright orange background. He's trying to make a grumpy face but he's too cute to pull it off.
Digital art of Aiden against a peach-colored background. His eyes are glowing pale blue, and he's looking off into the distance.

Hello, my lovely readers!🌱✨

I’m sorry I’ve been a little MIA this week! What happened is, over the weekend I got an idea for a fun and fucked-up little story. I wanted to scribble down some notes and get it out of my head so I could work on it later, and focus on Soft Touch during the week! I went on a bit of an accidental writing marathon attempting to do that, and, um. Now my eyes are blurry, so I guess I strained them a little!

It’s probably unsurprising to hear that this exact thing has happened to me before, so I know from experience that they’ll be better after some rest! I gave them a day of rest yesterday, and I was able to write a little bit of an episode today, so I’m hoping to be all better and post it tomorrow.😊 I’m sorry for the delay!

In the meantime, I thought I’d share some beautiful fan art, because you know what? The sick art you guys create honestly makes my eyes feel better!💕 I deeply love these beautiful Companion Plant portraits by s0ur_tart, I think we can all agree he’s the absolute bomb for making them. He made these and he didn’t even know they contained the power to heal people’s eyes. The healing wizardry was an accident. You guys send me the coolest stuff ever, so dope that I never even know what to say in response! I just hope y’all know how much I love them all, how much it all means to me. Thank you again, s0ur_tart!💕

You can find the lovely s0ur_tart at the link below, and you can find his lovely artwork at full size in the Fan Art Gallery. And, as always, you can leave some love for the artist in the comments if you want to!

Okay! I’m gonna go close my eyes for a while, but I adore you all and I’ll be back ASAP with the next episode! Have a sweet and cozy night!🌙🌌🏕




Magical Spice - Part Twenty


Magical Spice - Part Nineteen