Fan Art - Little Moments

Digital artwork of Jamie sitting up with Aiden laying back against him. Jamie is kissing the top of Aiden's head as Aiden wakes up. There's a window with a tree in the background, and fireflies, and pretty purple light.

Hello, my gorgeous, warm-hearted Soft Touch fam!💕

I’m coming to you today with more incredible fan art from this incredible group of readers, and this time it’s brought to you by the fearsomely talented Ayba! I assume that, like Joni, Ayba is banned from multiple different Six Flags, but in her case it’s because everyone is too unbearably jealous of her kickass art skills to let her in. It’s okay, Six Flags management. I understand. I’m jealous, too.

I’m saying this based off of the beautiful, cozy, intimate artwork of Jamie helping Aiden with his nightmares that Ayba sent to me a while ago, which you’ve just seen above. Then she followed up more recently with this ridiculously adorable artwork of Ellen, which was officially too much and I had to sit down for a while to chill out. I mean, seriously? How are even her socks so cute?🌻 Ayba! They’re never gonna lift your ban at Six Flags if you go on like this! But also please never stop!

Digital artwork of Ellen. To the left, she's drawing a picture in orange overalls, in the middle, holding a plant, and to the right, wearing Gabby's earrings, saying "Do you really think so?".

I’m linking Ayba’s Instagram below, which she says doesn’t update all too regularly, but hey, gems are worth waiting for! And please feel free to leave the artist some love in the comments!

While we’re talking about links - did you guys see in the comments that ab found a link with a dope retelling of the Crooker legend mentioned in Magical Spice Part Six? I thought that was pretty fun, so I’m linking it here for anyone else who digs a folklore read! But be warned, it’s a spooky one.👻 Thanks, ab!

Thank you also one more time to Ayba for capturing these beautiful little moments, and to all of you who have sent me messages or art and are still waiting so patiently for a response! I know it takes me forever to answer, but know that I love and appreciate it all more than I can say!💕

Have a cozy rest of your night!🌃




Magical Spice - Part Eight


Magical Spice - Part Seven