Fan Art - First Encounter

A comic page showing Aiden and Jamie as babies. Across the panels, Aiden crawls to Jamie and tries to reach him, over and over, until he's carried outside.

Hi, my sweet and beautiful readers!💕

So, I’m kinda behind on everything right now from being out of town for so long! I have a bunch of laundry to catch up on, and my animals are starting to smash their faces into my face for make-up attention - all this is to say that I’m going to take today and this weekend to get myself organized! That means no episode tonight, but I do have an adorable piece of fan art to share with you all!💓

I wanted to share this one soon, anyways, since it was inspired by a recent episode! This so super-cute version of Jamie and Aiden’s first meeting as babies comes from Mol, who normally creates artwork on canvas, but somehow managed to create this beautiful art with her finger on an iPad 2!✨ You are all so talented, I’m just amazed every time! And I’m melting into a puddle on the floor from how cute this is - look at Aiden’s little outfit, and all the details, like the crack in the window! Mol, I’m still losing my mind over it - thank you so much for this!💕

There’s no link to more artwork this time, but you can always leave some love for the artist in the comments!😊

Thank you again, Mol, and have a sweet weekend, my loves!🌿




Shine - Part Ten


Shine - Part Six