Fan Art - Ever In Sight

Hello, my loves!✨ Happy New Year!πŸŽ†

I took yesterday off for the holiday, then I realized I didn’t say anything about it! Since I’m taking two days for each episode and the next episode won’t be until tomorrow, I thought I’d drop by to clarify that!πŸ’• And while I’m here, I wanted to post one more piece of fan art to finish off the Holiday Fan Art Frenzy, and to kick us off into the new year in style!🀘

This beautiful painting featuring a Soft Touch quote was created by Moth, as a gift for his sister for her baby shower! How incredibly sweet is that, and how incredibly gorgeous is this? The gold worked in like a lovely light, so dreamy and beautiful - it’s amazing, Moth!✨ And in further delightful news, the baby has since arrived, so yay for Moth having a new little sprout in the family!🌱

I'll link Moth's Instagram below, so you can check out more of their beautiful artwork and extremely dope crafts! And, as always, you can leave some love for the artist in the comments, if you want to!πŸ’Œ

I hope that you're all having a sweet start to the new year! I'm sending you all the love to kick it off with, and I'll see you tomorrow with the next episode!πŸ’•

Have a cozy rest of your night!πŸŒ™




To The Forest - Part Two


Chapter Twenty-Three: To The Forest