Fan Art - Digital Magic

Hello, my beautiful, lovely, amazing readers,

Do you know you’re all the very best? Serious question, do you? Ponder it for a sec and realize it’s true. Y’all fully made me cry with the unbelievably sweet comments on the last few episodes of this chapter. I was all self-conscious and too afraid to look, and now I have looked, and I’m having some sort of happiness breakdown. My face hurts a lot from smiling. A lot. Envision me pulling all of you into the biggest, world’s most grateful hug, and then envision what the medical bills will look like if my face actually does break from smiling this hard. Then discard that second vision, because it’s worth it. You, my readers, are impossibly lovely and kind and your comments are the best thing.💕 I adore every one of you to bits! Bits!

And speaking of what I adore to bits…

FiboScribbles put their Minecraft talents towards making an absolutely gorgeous version of Aiden and Jamie’s house. Seriously, look at this:

A Minecraft verison of Aiden and Jamie's house, in the rain, surrounded by a beautiful garden and flowers.

And then go look at the whole video, please, because it’s a beautiful walk-through with endless little details and adorable surprises.🐝🍃 Anyone who’s ever touched Minecraft (or interior design) should know what a wild display of insane skills this is. This is digital wizardry I would never even attempt.

Speaking of which…

Simsfortune (dolphinhater in the comments) just dropped this incredible piece of Sims magic onto the internet like it was no big deal.

A gif of Aiden Callahan as a Sim, from the shoulders up, wearing a white henley and a black snapback, with a slight smile.

Look at them! I’m in love.🌿✨ This is so beyond cool. Dolphinhater, you are so beyond cool. Have I mentioned recently that I love you, my readers? I have? Roughly two paragraphs ago? Here it is again, anyways. You just keep doing things that make me need to say it.

Jamie Keane as a Sim, smiling and looking around, wearing a blue flannel.

Case in point. Check out the whole video to see the process, and the boys in their different outfits, and to listen to a remarkably soothing voiceover in which such nice things were said that I kept having to pause and chill out a little.

Jamie’s bunny slippers were an excellent touch, I’m sure we can all agree. I love the things you folks make.✨ I have no idea how you do it. If you love it too, please let the artists know in the comments!

I’m sorry I don’t have anything to give you back, today! Somehow I ended up with two different episode drafts instead of one finished one. But the next episode will be up shortly, just as soon as I can get it done!☺️

Thank you again for every sweet thing you said in the comments lately. You just have no idea what it all means to me.💕

Have a beautiful rest of your night!🌌🌗🦉🌧




Hold Fast - Part Eighteen


Hold Fast - Part Seventeen