Fan Art - At The Ghost Office

My god, you wonderful readers absolutely blow me away with your stunning fan art! I had to share this incredible interpretation of Jamie and Aiden at the Ghost Office! This scene comes from Chapter 6: New Heights, episode 18. I’m going crazy! The glass, the Ghost Office, the boys! So beautiful. Thank you so very much to the wonderful person who sent this to me! I’m still crying!

You can click the image to enlarge it and see all the details, but I’ll put a closeup below, too, for those of us looking on our phones.😊💗 (Just keep scrolling down!)

Thank you to everyone who has sent in fan art so far, and if anyone else wants to send me yours, please please do, I’d love to see it! You can email it to me at 💌



P.S. This artist asked to remain anonymous, so if you want to send any love their way, please do so by leaving a comment on the Tapas post!✨


Noah’s Speakers


Aiden’s Headphones