Message From River: Comments

There’s nothing I love more than reading your comments! Hearing from my readers is my absolute favorite thing, and I love to hear your thoughts about what I’ve written, more than I can possibly tell you.❤️

One thing I especially love is the warm and supportive atmosphere that’s blossomed in the comments section! It’s just beautiful to see a group of readers as sweet as this one. So kind to me, to each other, and to my characters! It means so much to me that this has turned into such a sweet and warm space for people. Myself included!😊

For that reason, among others, I’d ask that we all try to keep things in that warm and kind spirit when commenting. To clarify - serious topics and in-depth discussions are completely welcome! But comments that strike me as intentionally mean-spirited (in the direction of myself, my characters, or really anyone in the Soft Touch fam) will be deleted. People who repeatedly leave comments like that will be blocked from commenting in the future. Please bear in mind that I do read all of my comments, so I do see everything that’s said, and I do pour my heart into writing this, so… yeah, please let’s just keep the Ketterbridge spirit going!

As a side note, if your comment is missing, that doesn’t necessarily mean that I deleted it! It may have been deleted automatically if it was a response to the kind of comment I mentioned above. And sometimes Tapas does bug out a little, so if you left a nice comment and you don’t see it, please do leave it again!😊

Okay, that’s the comments policy! Thank you so much for keeping it kind-hearted! I appreciate all of you to the ends of the earth!❤️

